
HOA fines new homeowners for violations from the previous owner: 'The guy we bought the house from had been fighting the HOA for YEARS'

HOA fines new homeowners for violations from the previous owner: 'The guy we bought the house from had been fighting the HOA for YEARS'

Entitled Karen orders neighbor to bake healthy snacks for Trick or Treating, neighbor maliciously complies: ‘[She] handed the kids a little bag of… chopped carrots’

Entitled Karen orders neighbor to bake healthy snacks for Trick or Treating, neighbor maliciously complies: ‘[She] handed the kids a little bag of… chopped carrots’

‘I know. The audacity!’: Entitled choosing beggar asks her neighbor to give her his house for free

‘I know. The audacity!’: Entitled choosing beggar asks her neighbor to give her his house for free

Employee lends coworker money, only for coworker to flood her with texts asking for more favors, employee blocks them in response: ‘No one in management will do anything’

Employee lends coworker money, only for coworker to flood her with texts asking for more favors, employee blocks them in response: ‘No one in management will do anything’

Selfish brother thinks he's entitled to all of his sister's time despite babysitting his children at no cost for years, decides to put her foot down and win in the end

Family is split after woman refuses to babysit for selfish brother after giving him three years of free childcare, decides to puts her studies and free time first: ‘I stood my ground’

Shoplifting Karen tries to buy employee's bag and claim it as her own: '[Karen] doubles down on her particular form of insanity'

Shoplifting Karen tries to buy employee's bag and claim it as her own: '[Karen] doubles down on her particular form of insanity'

Entitle coworker steals woman's lunch everyday and expects her to be okay with it, so the woman reports her to HR and is awaiting a hard reprimand

‘She was an entitled thief’: Coworker steals woman's lunch everyday & has the audacity to leave her thank you notes, then asks her to share when it's not in the usual spot

ok boomer maintenance drama job revenge work millennials tenant petty generations landscape baby boomers entitled entitled people - 37286405

'That's what's wrong with your generation, you have no work ethic': Boomer insults millennial not realizing he owns his apartment building, gets told his lease won’t be renewed

‘I took the opportunity’: Guy wronged by entitled guy standing in front of him in line for the porta-potties gets ultimate revenge using a zip-tie

‘I took the opportunity’: Guy wronged by entitled guy standing in front of him in line for the porta-potties gets ultimate revenge using a zip-tie

Karen gets put in her place when she picks the wrong battle with a beloved homeless man integrated in the community, authorities decide she's the problem and take his side

‘Justice served’: Park Karen berates homeless man loved by many in the community, calls the authorities on him but they decide Karen's entitlement is the real problem

'It is not my job to continuously walk over and deliver him things': Entitled tenant refuses to change wrong address on package deliveries, neighbor starts eating his food

'It is not my job to continuously walk over and deliver him things': Entitled tenant refuses to change wrong address on package deliveries, neighbor starts eating his food

'They get nothing': Family of Karens demand free amenities at hotel, get denied, so they try to run a scam but foil their own plans with their faulty hubris

'They get nothing': Entitled family demands free amenities at hotel, get denied, so they try to run a scam but foil their own plans with their faulty hubris

'Read your bylaws, people!': Guy finds a way to get out of the neighborhood HOA based on a loophole with the community well

'Read your bylaws, people!': Guy finds a way to get out of the neighborhood HOA based on a loophole with the community well

'I had to revoke your status to just this room ONLY': Entitled Karen throws tantrum over keycard, facility manager maliciously complies with her demands and changes her permissions

'I had to revoke your status to just this room ONLY': Entitled Karen throws tantrum over keycard, facility manager maliciously complies with her demands and changes her permissions

neighbors kids homeowner yard neighborhood-drama parenting karens in the wild backyard entitled property Bad Neighbor karen children - 37219589

'Things got weird': Entitled Karen upset when neighbor demands she and her kids stop using his pool without consent, she responds with a list of ridiculous pool rules

‘These guys deserve whatever consequences’: Hotel employee at his wit's end calls the health department on the place, discovering a disgusting amount of violations

‘These guys deserve whatever consequences’: Hotel employee at his wit's end calls the health department on the place, discovering a disgusting amount of violations