
girlfriend hides her wealth and lies about lack of living expenses to struggling boyfriend

Wealthy-Privileged Girlfriend Lies About Her Lack of Living Expenses From Boyfriend For Two Years, Watches Him Struggle on Unemployment

gifts presents wtf present entitled weird karen - 16259077

Entitled Sister Rebrand's Brother's Gifts To Her Kids, Says They're From Santa

narcissism FAIL entitled idiots choosing beggar - 16221957

Baseless Choosing Beggars Who Wanted Something For Nothing

Entitled people and their demands

Entitled People and Their Uproarious Demands

Wealthy girlfriend enjoys wearing no clothing around her staff

Wealthy-Entitled Classist Girlfriend Thinks It’s Ok to Wear Little-To-No Clothing Around Her Staff, Doesn’t Care if She is Making Them Uncomfortable

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Tattoo Studio Owner Puts Entitled Customers in Their Place When They Try to Lodge Complaint Against the 'Young Man' They Spoke to

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Entitled Husband Expects House to Be Spotless But Won’t Help With the Cleaning, Brings Guests Over Without Notice

entitled people and their demands

Entitled People Who Made People's Lives Definitively Worse

insane psycho terrible wtf selfish relationships entitled - 16196357

Dirtbag Feels Entitled To Leave "Poor" Boyfriend After Saddling Him With Debt

customer service waiter customers restaurant lol service story entitled funny karen service industry - 16178181

Entitled Karen Won't Listen To Staff About Rain, Gets Reckoning

malicious compliance teachers entitled witty reply parents - 16157445

Entitled Parent Gets Upset That Teacher Assigned Homework in Metric Units, Teacher Assigns a New Problem

insane bride marriage bridesmaids entitled bridezilla - 16157957

Mechabridezilla Details Insane List of Demands For Wedding, Bridesmaid Drops Out

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Idiot Husband Demands a Prenup, Wants to Cancel it Now That His Wife Makes More Than Him and Bought a New Car

Entitled people and their demands

Entitled Folks and Their Absurd Boldness

guy refuses to drive, is mad at girlfriend for getting him driving lessons

Guy Angry His Girlfriend Bought Him Driving Lessons, Can't See Writing On Wall

assigned-seat public transportation story entitled ticket seat mom train - 16131333

Entitled Mom Takes Stranger's Reserved Seat, Doesn't Understand Why He's Upset