entitled people

toxic relationships family drama relationship entitled parents toxic toxic-family relationship-drama relationships entitled parents entitled people - 20417285

'Hey, wanna destroy a party?..': Couple counters step-mother when she tries to hijack their baby shower

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'I don’t owe you an explanation': People with disabilities share their stories of Karen encounters

failblog epic-karma karen-roast entitled-karen Reddit karen-justice roasted karma entitled people - 20467461

'[Everyone] beside me bursts into laughter': Witty woman epically roasts grocery store Karen

1-star-reviews entitled-influencer 1-star-review influencer karen-reviews entitled influencers karen entitled people - 20444421

Influencer leaves 1-star review when restaurant refuses to comp her meal in exchange for "exposure"

customer service pro revenge retail revenge karen-customer revenge-stories fire entitled customers entitled entitled people work-story workplace-stories workplace-story - 20476677

'[One] crushes the front of his hood...': BMW driver refuses to stop blocking emergency parking, firefighters crush his car

neighbors trash revenge petty revenge entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 20469509

'We won’t pick up your trash next week': Kevin goes on a power trip about trash rules, neighbor gets revenge by canceling their scheduled pickup

FAILS karens list choosing beggars entitled funny entitled people choosing beggar - 20419845

Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (May 9, 2023)

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'[She] ended up hitting the cruiser': Driver trying to cut up the shoulder in traffic runs into a conveniently placed police cruiser

entitled parents mother airport flight entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 20414469

'That's my seat': Mother uses kids as an excuse to take passenger's window seat, kid apologizes for mother's outburst

family-life family drama entitled-family optimism estranged-mom reuniting-siblings satisfying-karma happy ending entitled family-drama-story Reddit entitled people - 20410373

'[She] was sitting on nearly 500k': Woman stays optimistic during tough times and ends up getting small satisfying petty revenge against her entitled family members

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'Quite sad. I spend more time with your son than you do': Karen demands free $20k Pokemon card for her son, guy mercilessly claps back

Fussy guest demands discount for lack of parking. Worker maliciously complies.

Entitled customer demands refund for 'first come first serve' basis parking that they didn't pay for, hotel worker maliciously complies

karens karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit store karen kevin entitled people - 20382469

'I'm going to sue you': Male Karen claims he slipped in the store the night before, story doesn't add up, he vows to sue anyway

karens idontworkherelady entertaining-stories karen-customer customers story entitled funny karen entitled people - 20401413

'You should fire them!' Karen demands fellow customer is fired from a place she doesn't work

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'Street justice': Toxic older sibling redeems himself by standing up to late mother's vulture "friends" trying to claim her things

karens list karens in the wild reddit thread Reddit funny karen entitled people - 20362245

Top Five Karen Stories of the Week (May 3, 2023)