
entitled people

'My boss is tracking me': Nanny finds tracking device under her car, discovers it's in her boss's name, calls police

'My boss is tracking me': Nanny finds tracking device under her car, discovers it's in her boss's name, calls police

Overprotective parents are known to go the extra mile in the name of keeping an eye on their children, but tracking the nanny outside of work hours is way too far. You would think that any employer would know that this would be a clear invasion of privacy, yet apparently, some folks need to be reminded of decent human behavior. Just because we live in an age where it's easy to stalk someone doesn't mean you should. Again, this should be self-explanatory, but as it turns out, this basic sense of…
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'Go somewhere else!': Karen makes a scene about the prices at the nail salon, refuses to pay, other customers defend the owner

'Go somewhere else!': Karen makes a scene about the prices at the nail salon, refuses to pay, other customers defend the owner

This Karen had absolutely no idea that she was making a scene at the wrong nail salon. Not only was the business owner adamant that the prices are made crystal clear before services are provided, but also the other customers were fiercely loyal and defensive of the business owner and the establishment in general. Clearly, this Karen was not paying attention when she kept asking for additional services while getting a manicure and threw a fit when she learned how much those services cost after t…
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'He paid for a pound, he's going to get what he paid for': Customer claims his wing order wasn't a full pound, turns out it's over a pound, server tosses extra wings

'He paid for a pound, he's going to get what he paid for': Customer claims his wing order wasn't a full pound, turns out it's over a pound, server tosses extra wings

Entitled customers need to be careful with the battles they choose. If they are not certain that they're in the right, the result could be embarrassing and, in this case, far less than what they wanted. When you order a pound of wings at a restaurant, do you fully expect everything to be carefully weighed to the exact desired amount? What kind of establishment do you think this is, sir? You're ordering wings , not caviar! This Redditor , who worked as a cook at said wing establishment, watched…
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'She HAD to maintain her dominance in the workplace': Office tyrant tries to sweep her own mistakes under the rug, her team gets her fired

'She HAD to maintain her dominance in the workplace': Office tyrant tries to sweep her own mistakes under the rug, her team gets her fired

People on power trips are just asking to make enemies in the workplace. Nine times out of ten, it is almost always easier to just be kind. To those of you who have previously fallen privy to the psychological effects of being in a position of power within the workplace hierarchy, do not doubt that everyone around you knows that you're in charge. There is no need to assert your authority any further when everyone already knows. It's not only redundant, but it's a waste of time, energy, and often…
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karens viral videos entitlement retail packages postal service karens in the wild entitled mail Video karen entitled people - 4130310

'I'm a victim': Store manager with zero tolerance for Karen customers repeatedly tells woman to 'get out'

Employees should always be allowed to stand up for themselves. In many workplaces, employees are expected to let customers do whatever they want. “The customer is always right,” is the motto. But as you know if you've worked in retail lately, customers aren't always right---instead, certain customers are riled up and ready to take their frustrations out on the next employee they see. This woman took her anger way too far in this video recorded by @davenewworld_2. While the video leaves out a lo…
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'What I ordered vs. what I got': Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (September 28, 2023)

'What I ordered vs. what I got': Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (September 28, 2023)

Sometimes, being an adult means having to endure life's countless inconveniences. These can range from having a food craving and receiving a soggy delivery to waiting at the DMV for what feels like an eternity. When you find yourself confronted with one of life's mildly infuriating moments, there often isn't very much you can do. You can throw a fit, but 99% of the time, that will do absolutely nothing. You can cry about it, but that doesn't change the reality of the situation. Instead, it will…
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'I can't stand people like that': Egocentric lady ignores guy at networking event, he gets even by revealing he could have given her a job

'I can't stand people like that': Egocentric lady ignores guy at networking event, he gets even by revealing he could have given her a job

Always be careful who you're talking to! Just because they're not that important now doesn't mean they won't be important later down the road. Just be kind to everyone; it's as simple as that. These are common things people hear when they're talking about the ins and outs of professional networking. And yet, despite how much people hear about what not to do at these kinds of events, people tend to ignore this very simple advice anyway! This Redditor found himself completely cast aside and ignor…
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'This is MY stall!': Karen tries to kick someone out of a public bathroom stall, starts shaking the stall and making a scene

'This is MY stall!': Karen tries to kick someone out of a public bathroom stall, starts shaking the stall and making a scene

Some Karens may run their homes, and others may run businesses, but no Karen owns the public bathroom of a local mall. Somehow, this entitled lady seemed to think otherwise despite the current occupant of said public bathroom stall. This Redditor was doing her business when the Karen came knocking on the stall door and tapping her heels impatiently. OP told Karen there were plenty of other empty stalls for her to use, and there were. However, this Karen simply could not be bothered and refused…
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'She blocked him everywhere': Boyfriend gets thrown out of his apartment, begs girlfriend to pay all his expenses, finally gets told off

'She blocked him everywhere': Boyfriend gets thrown out of his apartment, begs girlfriend to pay all his expenses, finally gets told off

There are people in this world who manage to convince themselves that everything happening to them is someone else's fault. These aren't the people you want to be working with, living with, or dating. Rather, these are the people you want to avoid at all costs, but sometimes, you don't know that you're dealing with this kind of person until it's too late. That seems to be the case for Emma, the best friend of this Redditor . OP shared Emma's story via this thread on Reddit's r/EntitledPeople su…
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'He didn't touch my seat for the remainder of the flight': Kevin keeps grabbing passenger's seat on flight, passenger gets petty by grabbing his hand with wet fingers

'He didn't touch my seat for the remainder of the flight': Kevin keeps grabbing passenger's seat, passenger gets petty by grabbing his hand with wet fingers

It takes a special kind of person to disturb others on a flight. If it happens just once, of course, we let it slide. If it happens twice, we exchange glares to let that person know they need to get their act together. If it happens thrice or even more times, it's time to confront them or, at the very least, give them a taste of their own medicine. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/IndependentClub1117 , who was unfortunately seated directly in front of a Kevin. Th…
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'My husband is a lawyer': Karen tries to hit-and-run by using husband's job as an excuse despite evidence of collision

'My husband is a lawyer': Karen tries to hit-and-run by using husband's job as an excuse despite evidence of collision

If this Karen's husband is, in fact, a lawyer, she should know that refusing to exchange your information after a collision means it's a hit-and-run. The original video was shared by @edward3jr , who unfortunately had to deal with this Karen after she bumped into their parked car. Like any Karen would, she claimed that their cars never touched despite clear evidence that says otherwise. That evidence includes dashcam footage depicting the impact and photo evidence of the aftermath. At first, th…
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'I let him off easy with an F in the class': Professor regrades student's paper after they 'felt strongly they deserved a better grade'

'I let him off easy with an F in the class': Professor regrades student's paper after they 'felt strongly they deserved a better grade'

One teacher was asked to take a closer look at a student's paper ---the student wasn't happy with their B minus grade. College professors do a lot of work for a little bit of money. This person, u/sushkunes, writes that when they were a “poorly paid and overworked adjunct professor,” they had an experience with an entitled student that stuck with them. After you read this story, check out this guy who decided to call their HOA every single time they put their trash out to the curb.
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'Enjoy a bouquet of petty little annoyances': Guy keeps talking loudly on the phone during train ride, passenger gets even

'Enjoy a bouquet of petty little annoyances': Guy keeps talking loudly on the phone during train ride, passenger gets even

There is a certain etiquette when you're on a long train ride and in close quarters with other passengers. Talking loudly on the phone for hours on end is not up to code. If you go down that path, you can expect retaliation and feedback. It could be small such as your fellow passenger rolling their eyes or politely asking you to stop. However, the response could also be petty. In this instance, the response was severely petty. This Redditor shared all the ways in which he ensured that his fello…
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'I pulled a Karen': Guy gets cuts off by bad driver, cops almost let him off until guy pulls out the dashcam footage

'I pulled a Karen': Guy gets cuts off by bad driver, cops almost let him off until guy pulls out the dashcam footage

Every so often, there comes a time when you find yourself pulling a Karen for necessary reasons. This is not to condone Karen behavior, but rather to say that justified rage can sometimes be misinterpreted as Karen behavior, which is by definition unjustified. When you find yourself “pulling a Karen,” you often have the inclination to stop yourself from getting upset even though you have objectively been wronged in this situation. Sometimes, getting upset is not being a Karen. Sometimes, it's s…
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'My daughter wants your bracelet': Mother demands to have shopper's bracelet, shopper refuses, cashier calls security

'My daughter wants your bracelet': Mother demands to have shopper's bracelet, shopper refuses, cashier calls security

The only thing more shocking than a stranger asking for your bracelet to give to her wailing child is that stranger's refusal to let it go after you say no. Seriously, this conversation lasted way longer than it needed to go, and in some ways, I applaud the Redditor for having the patience to put up with this entitled mother. If this were to happen to me, I would just put on my headphones and tune the Karen out. That being said, no one would want to have anything from my wardrobe, so I'm probab…
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'I AM NOT paying those kind of prices!': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (September 23, 2023)

'I AM NOT paying those kinds of prices!': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (September 23, 2023)

Everyone has standards, but sometimes you have to be willing to forgo them. If you're in a desperate situation, it's not the time to start making demands, nor is it the time to be difficult. If you're having trouble getting what you need, there is a good chance that the situation boils down to you being the problem (as Taylor Swift would say). Recently, I found myself needing to travel to another state for a wedding but not being able to afford the astronomical flight prices. I found myself des…
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