
entitled people

Promoted employee asks colleague for his work and ideas after he didn't get the promotion, colleague refuses to transfer them because he's salty

Employee is passed up on a promotion but is expected to transfer all of his work and ideas to colleague who landed the position: ‘Higher-ups didn't want my ideas in the first place’

"Why are they good enough now?"
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haha neighbors entitlement satisfying neighborhood-drama petty revenge baby boomers entitled Reddit karma entitled people - 37361157

They were trying to take tens of feet of our land': Entitled couple harasses new neighbors over property line, threatens legal action only to discover they're the ones invading

When a young couple moved into their grandparents' home after it had been vacant for a year, they were immediately greeted with drama from their entitled Boomer neighbors. Apparently, the neighbors had gotten a little too comfortable using the vacant yard and weren't happy to lose that extra space. The moment the new owners moved in, the neighbors started harassing them, claiming they were invading their property and even threatening legal action. But the best part of the story is, after gettin…
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Man buys electric space heater to combat entitled roommate's control over the thermostat, which was leaving his room at around 30 degrees Fahrenheit

‘Lord of the thermostat’ roommate micromanages man's heating usage in their poorly-insulated apartment, so the man purchases an electric heater while roomie unknowingly fronts the bill

"He's also a landlord for another property and knows that you need to keep heat on at least 60 to be legal and up to code."
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Driver honks horn until entitled dude gets off the phone and moves his car so driver can leave: 'Was I petty? Yes. Did it feel good? Also yes!'

Driver honks horn until entitled dude gets off the phone and moves his car so driver can leave: 'Was I petty? Yes. Did it feel good? Also yes!'

Sometimes, you have no choice but to treat people how they deserve to be treated. Reason and kindness can work with sensible strangers, but this insensitive dude was anything but sensible. If anything, he was just insensitive. Not only did he leave the door to his driver's seat open in such a way that blocked the Redditor's vehicle from leaving the parking garage, but also when the Redditor tried to signal to this guy to close his door, the guy refused to listen as he was on a so-called “import…
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'They have a habit of going into Karen mode': Army Karens try to call out processing logistics request in big meeting, reserve unit claps back with receipts

'They have a habit of going into Karen mode': Army Karens try to call out processing logistics request in big meeting, reserve unit claps back with receipts

Karens exist in all industries, so it makes sense that they might not pop up in an army reserve unit. These male Karens insisted that the folks who managed processing logistics requests were taking too long with a specific order they made. They even tried to embarrass the reserve unit team at a big meeting with several higher-ranked individuals present. Well, that plan backfired as one of the members of this team, who shared this Reddit thread , looked up their processing request during the mee…
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'I'm not lying, I don't work here': Store manager confuses flight attendant with employee, insists that she stop playing 'tricks' and start working

'I'm not lying, I don't work here': Store manager confuses flight attendant with employee, insists that she stop playing 'tricks' and start working

This manager was clearly not in his right mind because the flight attendant he thought was his employee was wearing a completely different color than the store uniform. Of course, entitled people do not like to be proven wrong, so when the flight attendant tried to explain that she didn't work there and was a customer, the manager dug his heels into the ground and doubled down. Finally, when he realized that she was not, in fact, lying, the manager reprimanded the customer for trying to play tr…
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‘He didn’t even challenge [me]’: Entitled hotel guest makes one false move and gets kicked out before he can even make it to his room, still gets charged

‘He didn’t even challenge [me]’: Entitled hotel guest makes one false move and gets kicked out before he can even make it to his room, still gets charged

Don't mess with the employee checking you in a hotel. They hold the power!
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karens waiters server waiter customers demanding serverlife food service karens in the wild entitled food eating karen story dining karen entitled people - 37295877

'This lady completely flipped from... happy to stone-faced': 60th birthday Karen writes petty note to server after restaurant doesn't give her free food

Just because your birthday is super important to you, doesn't mean everyone else has to celebrate it with you. Birthday celebrations are a lot of fun for kids. They grow so quickly that each year feels like a big change. They can invite their friends over to play, eat delicious treats, and open presents (hopefully the new toys they've been wanting). As adults, it seems like some people just don't care about birthdays as much. You aren't growing or changing that much from year to year, and it's…
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Toxic corporation threatens employee's jobs security when he refuses to work off the clock, but employee refuses and considers taking issue to another level

Colleague intimidates employee when he refuses to work for free by threatening to write him up and dock his future pay raises, he stands his ground: ‘Not a chance. Pay me’

Corporations always find a junior employee to do their dirty work for them.
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Entitled boomer gets owned when authorities take gas station clerk's side in a battle of $50 worth of pennies, resulting in the gas station clerk ending up on top

‘But it's legal tender’: Boomer tries to pay for gas with $50 in pennies but gas station clerk refuses, so he throws a fit and coughs up $50 bill when the cops take clerk's side

"Too lazy to take a trip to the bank to throw them into a machine but willing to carry around an entire backpack full of pennies..."
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karens lobby guests hotel guest hotel front desk demanding tales from the front desk hotel room karens in the wild entitled hotels karen story karen entitled people - 37293829

'Just be a professional, okay?': Hotel front desk employee turns away impolite guest before he can even check in

This hotel front desk worker is testing out their limits as an employee. It appears that a lot of hotel workers are allowed to turn away guests at their own discretion. For example, if a guest wants to check in, and they're clearly rowdy and disruptive after partying all night, the hotel worker is allowed to turn them away if they think that guest will be a disruption to others at the hotel. There are other times when guests treat the hotel staffers really poorly, shouting at them or berating t…
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Man demands neighbor to detach their hose from his water supply after a month of freeloading, neighbors refuse to acknowledge their wrongs

‘My wife only uses like 3¢ of water’: Greedy neighbors freeload off of man's water supply for a month without his knowledge, then throw a fit when he puts his foot down

"Even if he really is correct about it being a minute amount of money, that means that it shouldn't be any problem for *them* to pay it."
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HOA fines new homeowners for violations from the previous owner: 'The guy we bought the house from had been fighting the HOA for YEARS'

HOA fines new homeowners for violations from the previous owner: 'The guy we bought the house from had been fighting the HOA for YEARS'

There's nothing worse than being forced to clean up someone else's mess. These new homeowners assumed everything was good to go regarding compliance with HOA rules and regulations. However, just three months after buying the home, they were suddenly slapped with a ton of HOA fees for violating the bylaws. They tried to communicate that they had not made any adjustments to the house since they purchased it and therefore should not be held accountable for violations that the previous owner must h…
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Entitled Karen orders neighbor to bake healthy snacks for Trick or Treating, neighbor maliciously complies: ‘[She] handed the kids a little bag of… chopped carrots’

Entitled Karen orders neighbor to bake healthy snacks for Trick or Treating, neighbor maliciously complies: ‘[She] handed the kids a little bag of… chopped carrots’

Dealing with kids is one obstacle, but dealing with their parents is almost always more challenging. Teachers can attest to this, and parents themselves are likely to agree. This dynamic becomes particularly transparent during gatherings and events, and Halloween is no exception. Here, we have a neighbor who was, for better or for worse, known by everyone to be a good baker. News travels fast in the suburbs, so it did not take long for the entitled Karen Mom who just moved to the neighborhood t…
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‘I know. The audacity!’: Entitled choosing beggar asks her neighbor to give her his house for free

‘I know. The audacity!’: Entitled choosing beggar asks her neighbor to give her his house for free

Imagine having the sheer confidence of this choosing beggar. She had the chutzpah to leave a letter in a former neighbor’s mailbox asking for him and his wife to buy her a house. What was in it for them? Nothing! Of course, we have plenty of sympathy for folks who are trying to make ends meet and to realize their dreams of owning property. It’s hard out there! However, this Redditor was not even remotely wealthy enough to own a second home and give away one of those homes to a total stranger at…
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Employee lends coworker money, only for coworker to flood her with texts asking for more favors, employee blocks them in response: ‘No one in management will do anything’

Employee lends coworker money, only for coworker to flood her with texts asking for more favors, employee blocks them in response: ‘No one in management will do anything’

We've all made the mistake of lending money to someone we shouldn't have. Funnily enough, the best-case scenario when we lend a bad individual money, is that they simply never pay you back. The worst-case scenario is something like what happened to the employee here. This employee shared on Twitter a series of texts between her and a coworker after she made the mistake of lending that coworker some money. Instead of it being a simple interaction of the money and a simple ‘thank you', the entire…
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