
entitled people

‘[One] was just my beard…’: Employee uses annoying company policy as a chance to troll managers with ‘stupid’ pictures, gets exempted from policy

‘[One] was just my beard…’: Employee uses annoying company policy as a chance to troll managers with ‘stupid’ pictures, gets exempted from policy

“I still see everyone else taking pictures when they come in, but for some strange reason I’ve been exempted…”
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entitled construction workers not abiding by neighborhood code results in man getting fined 200 euros so he bites back with a delicious petty revenge

Man gets fined $216, bites back at entitled construction workers after they failed to follow neighborhood codes: ‘Traffic Enforcement number is on my speed dial’

Illegally reserving parking spots using heavy cinderblocks is one way to make a neighborhood enemy
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entitled manager wrongfully terminates coffee shop employee, expects them to work their last shift without compensation

‘You're clearly not a barista’: Coffee shop employee's job is terminated by toxic manager, is still expected to finish her busy last shift without compensation

Small coffee with a side of revenge, anyone?
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'I know I paid already': Entitled Karen gets proven wrong after insisting that she paid for her hotel room in advance

'I know I paid already': Entitled Karen gets proven wrong after insisting that she paid for her hotel room in advance

Don't you just love it when someone makes a scene only to discover that they were in the wrong the entire time? This Karen waltzed up to the front desk of a hotel and claimed she did not owe anything because when she booked her reservation, she paid in advance. She even threw out the classic “I've been doing this for a long time” line to the concierge. The reality is that the front desk agent had also been doing this for a long time and could immediately sense that this woman still owed $99. Af…
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After landlord breaks promise to sell house to current tenants, they settle the score by ensuring no one else would make an offer: ‘We made the place as undesirable as possible’

After landlord breaks promise to sell house to current tenants, they settle the score by ensuring no one else would make an offer: ‘We made the place as undesirable as possible’

Imagine being stuck in a situation you have no idea how to get out of, only to have your friends ready to do whatever it takes to help you out. It must be nice knowing you have someone to count on, and someone to call whenever you need a hand. This story, despite being all about revenge on entitled landlords, shows how important it is to have friends who are ready to be at your side and fight for what is yours. OP (original poster) tells the tale of how their friends were supposed to buy a hous…
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'[Microwaving] fish in the communal area should be a fireable offense.’: Coworker gets called out for stinking up the entire office with her lunch, threatens to go to HR for ‘food shaming’

'[Microwaving] fish in the communal area should be a fireable offense.’: Coworker gets called out for stinking up the entire office with her lunch, threatens to go to HR for ‘food shaming’

What in tarnation is “food shaming”????
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HOA demands residents sell their cars and renovate their homes before 2026: 'This is the best for the neighborhood'

HOA demands residents sell their cars and renovate their homes before 2026: 'This is the best for the neighborhood'

HOAs do not get much more invasive that this… Here, we have a resident who had been living in the neighborhood for several years and had been following all the rules and regulations of his HOA to the best of his knowledge. Then, everything changed when a member of the homeowner's associated contacted each resident about the limit they were imposing on the number and type of cars that can be parked outside their homes. Furthermore, they are imposing new required repairs that must be done by 2026…
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Restaurant guests demand entry 5 minutes before closing, server complies, only to refuse their orders as soon as the restaurant closes: ‘I got the last laugh'

Restaurant guests demand entry 5 minutes before closing, server complies, only to refuse their orders as soon as the restaurant closes: ‘I got the last laugh'

There is nothing more irritating than customers coming in 5 minutes before closing time. Mostly because 90% of the time, the people who come in at that time are the worst kind of customers. They are entitled and demanding, and think the world revolves around them. They absolutely do not care that you want to go home after a long shift, and they will do anything in order to make your life as difficult as possible in those last moments of work. The entitled guests in this Reddit story are no diff…
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'I don't tip. I won't pay for dinner. I won't pay for our Uber': Top Tinder Moments of the Week (July 30, 2024)

'I don't tip. I won't pay for dinner. I won't pay for our Uber': Top Tinder Moments of the Week (July 30, 2024)

Chivalry may not be alive and well these days, but whatever has replaced it is, at the very least, entertaining. Well, it's entertaining if it's not happening to you, that is. Otherwise, it's just infuriating. However, that's the wonderful world of dating in the digital age. For those of us who are lucky enough to remember a time before dating apps, there were, in theory, far more romantic ways to meet someone. That being said, one could argue that human beings are by their very nature flawed a…
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'This isn't actually what happened...': Worker discovers Karen customer's social media rant about him, embarrasses her online

'This isn't actually what happened...': Worker discovers Karen customer's social media rant about him, embarrasses her online

Be careful what you post on your local town's social media groups! This Karen customer could not wait in line to be helped at a home supply and maintenance store. She and her husband threw a tantrum and, after leaving the store, did not stop there. The Karen decided to review the store on her small town's Facebook group, embellishing her story so as to make it seem that all the employees at the store are unhelpful and lazy. Well, word got around and one of the employees saw the post. Thankfully…
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employee forced to sign official reprimand because toxic management expects them work outside of their normal shift hours because a selfish co-worker was a no-show

‘It's not my responsibility to work shifts that aren't assigned to me’: Employee wrongfully reprimanded by entitled management after refusing to work overtime for a no-show co-worker

“They made me sign some official reprimand and put it in my file.”
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karens seat stealing reserved seating reddit karen what goes around comes around entitled people karma pay back karens in the wild justice served entitled karen karma r-entitled Reddit karen story karma karen entitled people - 36081669

'I'm not giving up more expensive seats for ones I don’t want': 20+ times people have put entitled reserved-seat-stealing Karens in their place

“When you reserve a seat, it is yours. There should never even have to be a discussion about it.”
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'I just shrug and go back to my work': A Karen and a nice lady ask the same question, employee helps the nice lady, but sends the Karen on a wild goose chase

'I just shrug and go back to my work': A Karen and a nice lady ask the same question, employee helps the nice lady, but sends the Karen on a wild goose chase

A little patience can go a long way.
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Ice Cream Karen throws tantrum over not getting exact change: 'Yes, I want my penny back!'

Ice Cream Karen throws tantrum over not getting exact change: 'Yes, I want my penny back!'

There are some principles that are worth standing one's ground on and others where it's probably best not to engage further. Unfortunately, the ability for the Karens of the world to pick and choose their battles is not really existent, as they seem to be in battle mode 90% of the time. This Karen was asked if she wanted exact change back after ordering an ice cream milkshake at a well-known establishment. There was a shortage of change and the server was instructed by his manager to ask custom…
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male Karen customer berates employee because the system booked him for a suite that isn't open until 2025, continues to verbally harass her even though it wasn't her fault

‘You're useless anyway’: Entitled customer repeatedly scolds front desk employee, claims that "his" Presidential Suite was taken despite the room having been booked until 2025

“He yelled at me through the phone and said that he has the right to HIS presidential suite...”
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Traveler ditches friend that shows up to much anticipated European trip with her mother, putting friendship at risk

Traveler ditches friend that shows up to much anticipated European trip with her mother, putting friendship at risk

Saving up the necessary funds for a foreign trip takes years. Thus, you anticipate that the day will be perfect when it finally arrives after many hours of nonstop work and meticulous preparation! The story below is an account of a frustrated friend. The original poster (OP) is traveling the world with one of her best friends. OP has traveled extensively in the past, so she made a point of doing the required research ahead of the trip. Her friend, on the other hand, was totally dependent on OP…
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