entitled people

Entitled Parent Ruins Christmas By Stealing My Son's Nintendo Switch

'She stormed off screaming': Disastrous sister-in-law steals child's new Nintendo Switch that they just received for Christmas

AITA for calling my sister for treating her child better then me

Update! 'I got the harsh and cold side of her': Ungrateful sister unleashes wrath on her sibling over spilled milk

'They hadn't paid yet': Hollandaise hating Karens try to dine and dash over eggs Benedict brouhaha

'They hadn't paid yet': Hollandaise hating Karens try to dine and dash over eggs Benedict brouhaha

Crazed Cinema Karen accosts wheelchair bound patron for switching on their electric wheelchair

Crazed Cinema Karen accosts wheelchair bound patron for switching on their electric wheelchair

Dumb teacher refuses to reset password for my school account after it stopped working, gives me an f because i did not log in to the said account

'I will never do that for you': Teacher refuses to help student log into school account, gives him failing grade

'Give me a pizza!': Karen demands a pizza from a not-pizza place

'Give me a pizza!': Karen rudely demands a pizza from a not-pizza place

Update: Entitled 'Crypto bro' brother demands free catering for his wedding after squandering small fortune

Update: Entitled 'crypto bro' brother demands free catering for his wedding after squandering a small fortune of inheritance

AITA for taking a ‘nepotism baby’ joke too personally?

'He's a Nepo Baby': Son of successful entrepreneur gets defensive over awkward family dinner

Entitled Boomer upset neighborhood children won't shovel his drive in -4 degree freezing temperatures, gets roasted

'You're crazy': Entitled Boomer upset neighborhood children won't shovel his drive in -4 degree freezing temperatures, gets roasted

20 Entitled People, Karens, and Choosing Beggars Who Wanted Everything For Nothing

20 Entitled People, Karens, and Choosing Beggars Who Wanted Everything For Nothing

Patient was aggressive over nothing, he gets a nice lonnng wait to sit by himself in time out :)

'I ask the SLOWEST coworker possible': Nurse gets petty revenge on entitled patient by making him wait over an hour

Karen goes to a tattoo shop

'There was so much damage': Raging Karen trashes tattoo parlor, gets arrested

Someone called the police because I didn't work there.

'One of them called the cops': Repairman gets mistaken by entitled Karen for store employee, Karen calls the police after getting denied service

'I threw her money back at her': Walmart Karen tries to barter for guy's new grill in the parking lot, won't take no for an answer

'I threw her money back at her': Walmart Karen tries to barter for guy's new grill in the parking lot, won't take no for an answer

AITA for letting my son get fast food and bring it into a wedding reception?

'Stop enabling your adult son': Mom lets entitled son bring fast food into cousin's wedding reception

AITA for telling my coworker to stop baking me stuff?

'Stop baking me stuff': Entitled guy demands coworker bake him cookies, returns dirty tupperware