
Boss says computers can't idle, so employee writes code to keep idling from ocurring

Boss Says Employees Can't Idle, Employee Writes Code To Comply

manager has comic sans as default font, tries to blame employee for it

Incompetent Manager Tries To Blame Employee For His Own Use of Comic Sans

Boss insists spellcheck is broken, employee fixes it, and he writes gibberish

Boss Insists Spellcheck Is Broken, Has It "Fixed," Makes Gibberish Until Fired

An employee fails to do their job correctly, and they end up costing the company $1.5 million.

Employee Fails To Do Job Correctly, Costs Company $1.5 Million

A company refuses to give an employee a raise, so the employee refuses to do the extra work.

Company Refuses To Give Employee Raise, Employee Refuses To Do Extra Work

employee buys train ticket but boss demands they buy a more expensive plane ticket

Employee Buys Train Ticket, Furious Boss Demands They Buy Plane Ticket At 3X The Cost

An aggressive customer disregards a tech support employee's advice, wastes weeks complaining, and then lives to regret it.

Customer Doesn't Trust Tech Support Employee's Advice, Lives To Regret It Weeks Later

Co-worker scams free lunches out of people, and then he gets called out | AITA refusing buy coworker lunch Not hole 23M) have coworker (25M) who is mooch. If get something lunch, he wants get him something too, but expects buy him because since mentioned he says offered. At first thought maybe he had money problem, but then overheard him laughing and bragging someone another department about he able scam lunches out his coworkers, and he's attempted bully free meal out someone more than once.

Co-Worker Scams Free Lunches Out Of People, Gets Called Out

weird and crazy stories about employee complaints

Wild Employee Complaints That Turned Out To Be Legit

late coworker gets fired and internet judges

Employee Finally Gets Called Out For Constant Lateness, Reports It As Harassment

employee uses records to defeat control freak manager

Employee Uses Records To Soundly Defeat Micromanaging Boss

entitled restaurant wife impersonates husband to fire employee after not getting free food

Wife Thinks Husband Is Restaurant Manager, Demands Free Meals, Fires Employee

boss employee work workplace - 15567621

Demanding Boss Rescinds Employees Booked Leave After Coworker Quits Without Warning, Employee Chooses Another Option and Does the Same

karen puts diesel in her gas car

Karen Has Rude Outburst, Employee Watches Her Ruin Her Car

story about new owner running company into ground and losing court case

New Owner Bullies Employees, Runs Company Into Ground, Fails Court Case

employee isn't getting paid to be on time, starts coming in late and manager gets fired for time theft

Employee Isn't Being Paid For Being On Time, Malicious Compliance Ensues