
dumb humor

'Don't you have to dodge tiny stars on your way to the moon?': 30+ Smarty-pants people who thought they knew everything

'Don't you have to dodge tiny stars on your way to the moon?': 30+ Smarty-pants people who thought they knew everything, but were actually comically misinformed

Lots of people are utterly convinced they're geniuses , but when you talk to them for more than a few minutes, you can tell the real truth about them. Most people you talk to are just normal, average people, and they usually have interesting lives. However, it seems like every party or social event has at least one person that is the know-it-all . They think they're smarter than everyone else in the room, and they can't help but brag about it. At a recent party, a stranger walked into the event…
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cringey workplace-stories jobs waiters job waiter work coworkers customers cringe food service workplace food eating waitress cringeworthy tales from your server dining dumb humor kids customer entitled - 22823429

'I don't want my server to have a sense of humor': Waitress faces online backlash for her jokey sense of humor with customers

This waitress wanted to share a story about a family interaction at her job, but commenters took the customers' side! The OP has a few memorably cringe lines. If a waiter ever handed me water and in the same breath told me about how it had “came out of the dinosaurs years ago. [It's] just filtered super well," I'd hesitate to eat there. What a weird thing to say about a fresh beverage! Perhaps one of the worst ways to make water sound appetizing is to remind the customer of how water filtration…
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Stupid Fails: 20+ idiotic things people genuinely believed once upon a time

Stupid Fails: 20+ idiotic things people genuinely believed once upon a time

People once believed the dumbest things.
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Funniest Immature Memes for People Who Have the Humor Threshold of a 5th Grader

Funniest Immature Memes for People Who Have the Humor Threshold of a 5th Grader

Cue Beavis and Butthead laugher
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