

Landlord tries to ghost tenant over security deposit, so tenant outwits landlord | r/ProRevenge Join u/Phil_Drill 3y Ignore asking my deposit s cool can just pay triple then. tl;dr: My landlord decided ghost came time pay my rental deposit back law clearly states can sue up three times original deposit if l'm not paid timely manner, so used this punish them their unwarranted dickery few years back rented duplex lived moved out. Nothing special. During move-out inspection they did standard

Landlord Ghosts Tenant Over Security Deposit, Tenant Outwits Landlord

Always do your homework.
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funny video of a Joel Osteen impersonation

Joel Osteen Impersonator's So Good He Gets On Stage

Some might call this dude a legend.
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Dad takes revenge on rude neighbor years later | r/NuclearRevenge Join u/JimmyRickyBobbyBilly 1y padawan My Dad is master. Back 1991, my Dad bought my Mom brand new Chevy Caprice know big, ugly fat as whale cop car white, with fake mesh wheels and white wall tires. My mother LOVED She had two weeks and kept parked front our house SoCal guy across street contractor Back 1991 basically meant shady douche bag hired stood outside Home Depot.

Patient Dad Takes Revenge On Rude Neighbor Years Later

Dad played the long game.
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Woman's brother dumps his girlfriend for being a gold digger | Aita telling my brother he got exactly he deserved he pushed his girlfriend away being gold digger Not hole My brother is very hardworking man and at 27 he is now very wealthy and doing well himself. He's been with this girl six months and throughout time have gotten close because both like hair, makeup, and shopping never knew there anything wrong with their relationship except she texted last week saying she would love hang out

Woman's Brother Dumps Girlfriend For Being Gold Digger

Dude sounds like a real piece of work.
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Woman decides to debut her new fiancé at her ex's wedding | AITA taking attention away bride at wedding and making about Please excuse any errors 28F) as currently 6 months pregnant and am engaged wonderful man. Due craziness, only limited people know about our news because aren't announcing" type. Also quick engagement because pregnancy but love each other and didn't want showcase all also have 11 year old with my ex who married 9 years, but he ended up cheating on with Anna his friend

Woman Reveals New Fiancé At Ex's Wedding

A situation ripe for some serious drama.
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Woman puts a birthday hat on her neighbor's year old pumpkin | WIBTA if put birthday hat on my neighbor's pumpkin? Not hole Obligatory on mobile, apologies any formatting issues share porch with one neighbor, who is notorious not cleaning up after herself or her kids example, one time there broken longboard sitting right front their door they would step over every day get into their unit 7 months, they just ignored until one day asked oldest kid (15M please clean up. He's good kid and instantly

Woman Puts Birthday Hat On Neighbor's Year Old Pumpkin

A definite bold move.
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Bridezilla wants a redo wedding, and her family member rejects her | AITA telling my sister won't be her second/makeup wedding? My (25f) sister (30f) got married six years ago wedding did not go quite as planned so she and her husband have decided they want redo and are planning have their wedding late next year her bridesmaid/kinda maid honor with one her friends, and she treated like shit younger then and didn't really say much because rest my family would have told deal with her day, and be

Bridezilla Wants A Redo Wedding, Gets Rejected, Pitches Fit

Seems completely reasonable.
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Hotel concierge helps woman take revenge on her jerk ex boyfriend | r/ProRevenge Join u/Anonymous_Annie5523 12h help someone get revenge on their gold- digging ass an SO This happened some years ago but just reminded so here go Reddit worked as front desk agent large luxury hotel chain some years. One particular hotel worked at located really close downtown area and so got large number young, very wealthy, business people who loved party usually worked 2nd 3rd shifts which meant got see loads

Concierge Engineers Revenge On A Gold Digging Boyfriend

Ex boyfriend was a real piece of work.
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Roommate tries petty revenge on roommate, and it backfires on her | r/pettyrevenge u/sugusug 317d Join My roommate tried petty revenge and backfired on her l'd consider my roommates and B, good friends and get on well most time do have our normal problems though, and this is story most recent one. B and are currently preparing exams has hers later January. So 's pretty quiet our flat right now; B and go bed early, wake up early study is enjoying her free time, goes bed at one morning and gets up

Roommate Tries Petty Revenge, It Backfires On Her

Sometimes you've got to out-petty the petty person.
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A petty revenge story about an ex taking advantage of lease, and getting reported | r/pettyrevenge Join u/dppick09 Informed Our Landlord About Non- Leased Tenants Screw Ex Over TL;DR on bottom. On mobile etc. This quite long time ago my early twenties and had just gotten out relationship separation wasn't exactly pretty one had lived together and beyond ready move out and never speak him again. There just one problem were only five months into one year lease at our duplex had 2 bedroom

Ex-Boyfriend Takes Advantage Of Lease, Gets Reported To Landlord

Seems fair enough.
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Parents decide to stick it to a property owner who won't sell land to their neighbor | r/ProRevenge u/IAmDinosaurROWR Land Deal Gone Awry Tale Vengeance Disclaimer: this tale revenge thought up, and carried out, by my parents and neighbor. My parents live nice, quiet neighborhood most part, everyone gets along well and neighborhood exists its own little bubble only time see people outside neighborhood bubble is on Halloween

Parents Stick It To Property Owner, Purchase Land, Sell It To Neighbor

That property owner must've been speechless.
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Karen customer demands to get a tip back, and the waitress refuses | AITA refusing return tip AND telling couple dont have time play mediator? Not hole 22 year old, female waitress at Texas Roadhouse. This is one my two jobs put myself through college. Most days are fine but other days are living hell. Yesterday assigned table had husband, wife and appeared be teenage daughter (maybe 17 Everything going smooth at first and wife ordered margarita husband then tried ordering beer wife instantly

Karen Customer Wants Tip Back, Waitress Refuses

That's not how it works, Karen.
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A bride threatens to un-invite her dad's girlfriend from the wedding if she wears beige | AITA saying my dad's girlfriend can't come my wedding if she plans on wearing certain dress? Not hole So yesterday my birthday and spending day with my fianc one my best friends and her boyfriend. Since nice day decided go out patio some drinks celebrate. Well, part way through day just happened be scrolling on Instagram where see my dad's girlfriend had posted picture she planning wear wedding.

Bride Threatens To Un-Invite Dad's Girlfriend If She Wears Off-White Dress

Completely understandable.
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Dad lies to his vegetarian wife about letting their kids eat meat | AITA moving out mid-lease and stranding my roommate with full rent after his girlfriend keeps accusing being "creepy So l've been living with my current roommate 2 years now actually subletting and l'm on my 2nd year which is month--month, but had an unofficial "verbal" agreement stay until end year mean 's pandemic didn't think move either. Anyways his gf moved beginning this year s been lot. She's obviously had some trauma

Guy's Roommate Enforces Weird Rules, He Moves Out Mid-Lease

Best to ditch that nightmare ASAP.
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A deaf girl turns off her hearing aids every time that her mean aunt proceeds to talk | AITA cutting off my hearing so don't have listen family member 15F) am deaf both ears after getting meningitis as toddler. Luckily my parents really pushed intervention, so can read lips, know sign language and have cochlear implants, so l'm basically like any other girl my age just can't hear shit. My aunt (40) has been staying with my family-'s my mom, my dad and my 13 year old sister- during quarantine. Sh

Deaf Girl Mutes Aunt Karen, Karen Complains

Aunt Karen needs a timeout.
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Nasty father-in-law gets defeated in high-stakes game of Tetris | r/ProRevenge u/leader556 3h Join 2 1 1 3 2 game Tetris ended years bullying my father--law wish were challenge sentence has echoed my father--law's house months now, and even saying word "Tetris" around him causes him turn into ball rage theme song game makes his eyes bulge, and any oddly colored boxes stacked random order seems give him PTSD-like gaze would give nam vet run their money.

Disapproving Father-In-Law Gets Humbled In High-Stakes Tetris

That's how it's done.
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