

'If you don't pay your bills, you don't get to keep your stuff': Credit company serves as petty revenge messenger to man's cheating ex wife; they tow and repossess her car

'If you don't pay your bills, you don't get to keep your stuff': Credit company serves as petty revenge messenger to man's cheating ex wife; they tow and repossess her car

Karma always seems to find a way, whether it's directly through a person you wrong, or in a roundabout kind of way that is a little less obvious. One man took to r/pettyrevenge to share the time his cheating ex-wife got her car repossessed and towed by a credit company that had been attempting to locate her for quite some time. He had married her young after she had gotten pregnant, and she had continuously cheated on him, to the point where he filed for divorce. In the divorce, she had asked f…
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