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'They confirmed... it was a top priority': Store managers decide customers should never have to wait more than 15 seconds before checking out, employee maliciously complies

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'Instead of quitting...people started eating donuts in front of management and being fired on the spot': 20+ Ultra petty reasons people got fired from their jobs

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'Now she won't be able to go [on vacation]': Pediatrician gets revenge on her trash-talking coworker by requesting competitive days off that she knew her coworker wanted

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'I had to train myself': New hire tasked with huge project, boss refuses to let up on deadlines until new hire quits

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A Coffee Cup Full of 26 Work Memes to Get Burnt Out Employees Through Another Month of Mondays

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'Don't sing Happy Birthday to me: Steamrolling employee intentionally embarrasses her coworker, gets put in her place and publicly shamed by HR

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'We notified our managers... We were all told no': Teenage burger restaurant workers call out en masse on prom night

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'[I] watched him storm out the door': Teenager makes entitled customer's milkshake exactly how he wants it

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'Your loss 'bro'': Boss guilt trips an all-star employee after he's decidedly absent for a last-minute weekend work retreat, guy quits the next day after lining up a better job opportunity

Entitled manager pushes employee to resign, backtracks on their workplace maltreatment and tries to convince her to stay, even though she has already found a better job

‘Never make that mistake again’: Employee resigns after multiple instances of workplace mistreatment, manager backtracks on prior reprimands and refuses to ‘accept’ her two-week notice

'Karen is speaking as though she is my supervisor...the board members [are] giving strange looks': Company troubleshooter agrees to let new hire take over, business soon begs him to return

'Karen is speaking as though she is my supervisor...the board members [are] giving strange looks': Company troubleshooter agrees to let new hire take over, business soon begs them to return

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'Good boss and a good human being': All-star employee commutes 4 hours to work, until her boss battles HR for months to advocate for her to work remote full time

Boss tells assistant to stop chatting with coworkers, she maliciously complies by giving everyone the silent treatment: 'You told me to stop talking to people [...] So I did'

Boss tells assistant to stop chatting with coworkers, she maliciously complies by giving everyone the silent treatment: 'You told me to stop talking to people [...] So I did'

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'Are you kidding me?': Dentist of 8 years expected to train new hire, quits after learning employee makes the same salary with zero experience

'I reached a complete breaking point over donuts': New hire forced to buy everyone donuts during his first week, maliciously complies and scares off annoying coworkers

'I reached a complete breaking point over donuts': New hire forced to buy everyone donuts during his first week, maliciously complies and scares off annoying coworkers

UPDATE: Incompetent hospitality employee has a major boomer freakout on employee who filled her old position, walks out for a second time: ‘Bessie went boom again’

UPDATE: ‘Bessie the Breakfast Boomer’ is rehired in a different role, has a major freak out on employee who filled her old position and walks off the job, again