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'I don't wanna be your mommy': Man kicks out gaslighting roommate after he tries to guilt him into cleaning up his dirty dishes

Dirty dishes are the leading cause for roommate breakups. It's not proven or anything, but as anybody who has ever lived with another person knows, the passive aggressive nature of a maintaining a clean home can sometimes lead to horrific strife between you and your housemates. One Redditor recently felt the full force of roomie drama when he received an out-of-the-blue text from his roommate (who is also his older cousin).
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family drama amitheahole aita drama ahole family cousins cousin family story - 19845637

'I [had] had enough': Jealous cousin confronts nepo-privilage relative over her promotion

Sometimes the fact that you have “privilege”—an edge over the competition, if you will… is an undeniable fact and you need to acknowledge that fact . If (or when) you do that, you might find that you gain back a little bit of respect.
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12 reddit text images of spider poster discussion | thumbnail left photo of fake spiders in hand white background with more small fake black spiders, thumbnail right image of spider poster colorful, text "AITA for putting up pictures of spiders in my room to keep my arachnophobic cousins out?"

Girl Puts Spider Posters Up To Keep Arachnophobic Cousins Out of Her Room: Reddit Supports Her

Evil genius
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Kissing Cousins

cousin pregnant on april fools joke
Via DamnIts_Kia

Read This Post, but be Prepared to Drink Hand Sanitizer Afterwards

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Created by VeronicaVaughn

Talking About Phrasing

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Carolina Cousins

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Created by Unknown

George Michael? Is That You?

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Obvious Answer is Obvious

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Picture Frame FAIL

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Ok, Two Problems...

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