
People that had one job to do and failed at it | asphalt road markings white paint TURN LEFT with an arrow pointing right car lane traffic

People That Failed At Their One Job

The signs when people knew their company was failing | posted by toastingz my boss started loading large Tv's into his car and told us grab can worked at circuit city.

When People Knew Their Company Was On Its Last Leg

Company fires an employee for a meme, and proceeds to get trolled by the internet hard.

Company Fires Employee For Meme, Gets Trolled To Oblivion

Boss messes with his employee's wages, and ends up having company get sunk with one simple phone call.

Boss Messes With Wages, Company Gets Sunk With One Phone Call

AskReddit users share a series of crazy PR/promotional stunts that backfired terribly for companies.

Crazy Promotions/PR Stunts That Backfired Terribly

An employee makes a series of funny jokes on a board at work.

Employee Makes Silly Work Board Jokes

Incompetent Karen The CFO gets fired by her CEO after he realizes that she's been calculating company finances with a calculator that doesn't follow the order of operations.

Incompetent "Karen The CFO" Uses Calculator That Doesn't Follow Order Of Operations, Gets Fired By CEO

buying ugly ties to fight against the man

Guy Battles Stupid Work Tie Policy by Buying Ugliest Ties Possible

People that have read the terms and conditions thoroughly reveal the sketchy stuff they discovered in an AskReddit thread.

People That Have Read Terms And Conditions Reveal The Sneaky Things They Found

am i the asshole for not hiring qualified candidate because she cheated with fiance

HR Woman Asks If She Can Reject Qualified Candidate That Her Ex-Fiancé Cheated With

jobs work company funny quitting oddly satisfying - 8757765

28 People Who Quit Their Jobs In A Not So Typical Style

moments people decided not to use a service anymore

13 People Share Their Biggest "Never Again" Moments With Brands And Restaurants

signs of terrible bosses

An Employee's Story Reveals The Subtle Signs Your Boss Wants You To Fail

clothing company roasted over unwearable outfit

Women's Clothing Company Gets Shredded In The Facebook Comments Section

woman lives real nightmare and goes to job interview without pants

Shocked Woman's Story About Her Pantless Job Interview Gone Wrong Is Everyone's Worst Nightmare

FAIL cringe ridiculous insult company offensive Video - 95744769

Offended Lady Gets Called Fatty-McFat-Fat By Defensive CEO After Leaving Bad Review