
Company cuts an employee's salary in half, and their business proceeds to perish. | Cut my salary half? Kiss business goodbye. XL cast Names changed anonymity storyteller moment. Chad Hiring CTO. Richard CEO, brother Chad. Big Bro Engineer coworker Eddie and Desktop support guy.

Company Cuts Employee's Salary In Half, Business Proceeds To Perish

company fires employee for drinking tea before paying

Company Fires Employee For Opening 99 Cent Tea Before Paying

company tries to make quitting employee work as much as possible so he quits

Company Tries Tricking Employee Into Working 22 Hours In 36 Hour Frame, Quits

Employee changes passwords and then goes on vacation story | Posted by u Morgoth 9 hours ago 2 3 2 35 3 Force take my vacation time dont want and tell secure my station by freshening up my passwords before go? Okay boss. oc s start with, my boss had his moments. Sometimes he dick who would push off on my raises or screw with my system, sometimes he would hook up and make my life pleasant. This not one latter.

Jerk Boss Bumps Vacation, Employee Changes Passwords and Leaves

An entitled coworker keeps stealing a desk, so a petty alarm clock revenge ensues.

Entitled Coworker Keeps Stealing Desk, Alarm Clock Revenge Ensues

Company messes with a delivery driver's tips, and then a pro revenge ensues.

Company Messes With Delivery Driver's Tips, Pro Revenge Ensues

Guy stands up to boss who makes him work as a courier | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by CleverNamePodcast Sorry not courier work large shipping company Canada work early morning loading trucks but as needed would go out and deliver packages. At first here and there but soon became normal after my regularly scheduled shift would go out and deliver

Guy Stands Up to Jerk Boss Who Makes Him do Two Jobs

Company won't fix spelling mistake so customer refuses to pay a stranger's bill, gets fixed

Company Won't Correct Misspelled Name So Customer Refuses To Pay, Gets Corrected Instantly

An employee fails to do their job correctly, and they end up costing the company $1.5 million.

Employee Fails To Do Job Correctly, Costs Company $1.5 Million

developer uses bad code and loses all revenue, then doubles down

Pig-Headed Developer Uses His Own Code, Loses 100% Of Company's Revenue

A company refuses to give an employee a raise, so the employee refuses to do the extra work.

Company Refuses To Give Employee Raise, Employee Refuses To Do Extra Work

employee buys train ticket but boss demands they buy a more expensive plane ticket

Employee Buys Train Ticket, Furious Boss Demands They Buy Plane Ticket At 3X The Cost

Company doesn't want to fix security flaw, IT guy shows them what's up. | r/ProRevenge u/ROKexpat 12h Join 3 6 Don't want fix my issue? Well think its time new CTO just want state this issue is going blow some peoples presented nothing short incredible. And fact never had major security breach is astounding truly is. minds security flaw this flaw may ask

Incompetent CTO Refuses To Fix Company's Security Flaw, Revenge Ensues

funny honest brands

Redditors Shared Slogans If Brands Were Honest

wholesome tech support story helps woman who didn't have TV box installed for over a year

Wholesome Tech Support Helps Lady Who's Been Brushed Off For A Full Year

People describe their most interesting experiences with people being honest on job applications.

Precious Times People Were Shamelessly Honest On Job Applications