
'I've been doing hers last': Employee gets even with grudge-holding coworker who keeps sabotaging her by being too careful

'I've been doing hers last': Employee gets even with grudge-holding coworker who keeps sabotaging her by being too careful

'Do the job I have hired you to do, and deliver my bagels': Law firm hires and fires chef in the same day

'Do the job I have hired you to do, and deliver my bagels': Law firm hires and fires chef in the same day

'I [...] thought it would be more fun to comply': Supervisor insists on making employees submit requests for mandatory training programs, employee maliciously complies

'I [...] thought it would be more fun to comply': Supervisor insists on making employees submit requests for mandatory training programs, employee maliciously complies

'I'll never be someone's backup plan': Guy gets rejected, told the position has been filled, they come crawling back begging to him

'I'll never be someone's backup plan': Job candidate gets rejected, they come crawling back begging to her a week later, she rejects them

'I walked out and three people followed me': Guy rage quits during the interview process after being asked to work night shifts for free

'I walked out and three people followed me': Guy rage quits during the interview process after being asked to work night shifts for free

'Boss picked up on my quiet quitting': Employee responds to tone-deaf lecture from boss about quiet quitting by actually quitting

'Boss picked up on my quiet quitting': Employee responds to tone-deaf lecture from boss about quiet quitting by actually quitting

'You've got work, you know': Boss shames employee for taking off work for her husband's surprise trip despite working overtime

'You've got work, you know': Boss shames employee for taking off work for her husband's surprise trip despite working overtime

'They found out she interviewed for another job': Boss forces employee to resign just because they took an interview elsewhere

'They found out she interviewed for another job': Boss forces employee to resign just because they took an interview elsewhere

‘We can do it tomorrow… when I’m being paid': Employee challenges boss by refusing to work unpaid overtime, boss calls HR on employee but gets fired instead

‘We can do it tomorrow… when I’m being paid': Employee challenges boss by refusing to work unpaid overtime, boss calls HR on employee but gets fired instead

‘I quit... taking the techs with me’: Fleet foreman quits after new manager takes over, leading to rest of employees jumping ship en masse

‘I quit... taking the techs with me’: Fleet foreman quits after new manager takes over, leading to rest of employees jumping ship en masse

'You WILL pay me': Employee confronted by boss for billing overtime for mandatory company retreat, HR unable to deny payment

'You WILL pay me': Employee confronted by boss for billing overtime for mandatory company retreat, HR unable to deny payment

'Bye bye Frank': Client tries to throw his lawyer under the bus after a major oversight, lawyer did his due diligence, client fired by boss

'Bye bye Frank': Client tries to throw his lawyer under the bus after a major oversight, lawyer did his due diligence, client gets fired by boss

'NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrK': Job candidate gets rejected and blocked by potential employer for asking one clarifying question,

'NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrK': Job candidate gets rejected and blocked by potential employer for asking one clarifying question

'I was like okay': Tech employee asked not to push meeting against his advice, costs the company thousands of dollars

'I was like okay': Tech employee asked not to push meeting against his advice, costs the company thousands of dollars

'Bad work pays the same as excellent': Employee confirms with boss that promotions at his company are no longer based on merit,  starts doing the bare minimum

'Bad work pays the same as excellent': Employee confirms with boss that promotions are no longer based on merit, starts doing the bare minimum

'She's recording me': Employee suspects gossiping coworker is recording their phone conversations

'She's recording me': Employee suspects gossiping coworker is recording their phone conversations