

rage comics kids these days newspaper - 9222

This Little Kid Makes a Brutal Takedown After the Local Paper Stops Running His Favorite Comics

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The Sad Truth

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Via David Wolfson Music

The Perils of Using Science

scientist turns people into dinosaurs
Via CenturionElite

Yep, Definitely Heredity

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Via Timelord at Hogwarts

Not Sure That's Great Advice...

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Via Charlatan

You Just Miss it So Bad...

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Via The Onset of Some Cold Glaucoma

Didn't Learn Anything...

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Created by hckondos ( Via GoComics )

What it Feels Like to Take a Final

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Created by artdirector123 ( Via Art )

#Jousting #Fall #PumpkinSpiceImpaling

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Via Dave Coverly

Check Closely. This is Crazy Body Paint, Not an Illustration

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Via Cris Alex

So That's How They Pick Astronauts

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Via The Gentleman's Arm Chair

The Science of Thor's Hammer Mjolnir

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Via Wired

Such Amazing Technology

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Via I Freaking Love Science

Perhaps It's Best Not to Study History

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Via Hexag1

A Comic History of Selfies

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Via Acid Cow

No Mr. Bond, I Expect You to Elope

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