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'I read the book and I'm still gay': Man recalls how he accidentally came out to his ultra conservative college roommates via voicemail from the bookstore

The 90's was such a wild time. Everyone had an answering machine and voicemails were recorded then straight up broadcast in your home, spouting your business out loud to everyone within earshot and that was just a normal, accepted thing. An answering machine wouldn't be a problem if you lived alone, but the moment you live with other people, you share your voicemail (on your land line of course). There's no privacy there. One man, who lived in a big house of dudes when he was a college freshman…
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Offended christian mom thinks color wheel is satanic imagery | Elementary Art Teachers K-5th had talk parent today because student concerned color wheel worksheet assigned looked too "satanic had hoped parent would see benign, but after talking with their pastor parent confirmed they didn't feel comfortable having their child complete image all respecting beliefs but completely beside myself! star of david with different colors at the edges

Mistaken Christian Mom Upset By Color Wheel

It doesn't even have 5 points.
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Video of woman explaining why monster came from Satan.

Woman Explains Why Monster Energy Drinks Are From The Devil

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That Time An Audience Was Told A Christian Speaker Was A Comedian and He Still Got Laughs

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Triggered Christians Petition Netflix To Cancel Amazon Prime's "Good Omens"

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