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Classic: The Wheels Are Off the Wagon

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That's a Well Packed Trunk

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Via Ford Falcon Beer Run

New Car, or New Food.... Hmmm....

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Created by Unknown

The Spoiler Spoiler

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Created by Unknown
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Cars + Phones = A Terrible, Terrible Time

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This Guy Desperately Wants His Car to Stay Safe During a Hailstorm. Let's See How That Goes.

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You Got the Most Out of Your Education, Huh?

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Via Cubicle Bot

Looks Like You Haven't Learned Your Lesson Yet

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Created by Unknown

A Totally Kick-Grass Way to Advertise

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Via Izismile

Where's the Giant Newspaper Roll?

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Via fightingdove

Ever Been so Drunk Your Mom Stole a Car?

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Your Nissan is Toast, 20,000 Bees Own it Now

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Passing on the Right: Still Not the Smartest Idea

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Your Shortcut Backfired, and We Have the Video Evidence to Prove it

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These Guys in Kuwait Aren't Clowns, but They Can Pack a Car Like the Best of Them

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Ever Have One of Those Days Where You Know You're Done?

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