

One Mean Machine

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Via Juboktimusprime
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An Idiot Driver Gets the Berating They Deserve from This Trucker

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There Aren't Enough Tickets in the World...

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Via CaptainFlacid

Sir, Do You Know How Fast You Were Going?

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Via Stoltz3
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Intersections: Still Not a Good Place for Naps

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It Was the Only Open Space, and Now You Know Why

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Via Acid Cow

Chasing Storms in Your Dad's Hand-Me-Down Vehicle

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Created by Someguytoo

As if Facebook Needed Any More Advertising

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Via Cubicle Bot

Breakfast on Wheels, is That You?

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Via TheNutellaLord

In the Game of Parking, You Either Win or You Trash Your Neighbor's Car

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You Aren't Driving a Semi, so Don't Try to Run Away From the Tow Truck

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Go Honda Go Honda Go Honda GO!

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Via Cubicle Bot

Somehow the Driver Failed to See the Irony in This:

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Via AmerikanInfidel

No, You Need to Bring it in Just a Few More Inches

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Via Jwebs

It's First, Right?

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Via Arbroath

Punctuation Matters!

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