

getting fired boss fired manager boxes malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit mistakes truck mistake malicious compliance reddit trucks - 26060805

'As a joke I put in... two extra zeros': Trucker gets paid $1500 an hour to unload his own trailer

This person managed to make a true American dream come true: making four figures per hour . Making $1500 per hour is something that most people dream about, but never achieve. Just think of what you could do with that kind of money. First, you could buy and eat probably like ten burritos. Then, you could buy a new game console. Then, you take all your friends to the movies and to laser tag. Then, once your first day of fun is over, you start saving up for down payments on houses or cars. Life c…
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'[House] flippers were... unhappy with my mother's "unsightly" driveway': HOA tells family to clear their driveway, mother installs a sign to get back at them

What HOA wants, HOA will get. When they pick a fight with this family, they're going to get much more of a hassle than they ever anticipated. Parents can sense something in the air as summer is coming to a close, and they instinctually realize: It's time to make the kids clean out the garage with me. Why do parents have this instinct? Science has not given us the answer yet. Maybe they realize that school is about to be back in session, and their kids have had a lot of fun already this summer.…
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Hopefully Everyone Shouted "Amazon bots, roll out!" at This Awesome Costume

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Via caronarnold
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Is This What Same-Day Delivery Looks Like in Shanghai?

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The Recycle Must Be Full...

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Created by Ainotna

He Doesn't Want to Think Outside the Box

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Created by Unknown

A Portal To Other Worlds

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Created by jamer

Instructions? What Instructions?

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Via Izismile

Thanks, Mom

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Created by madison.bell.94

Jenga! Jenga! Jenga!

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Via theZiggy

This Box is a Little Overwhelming

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Huge Increase in Productivity

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Via Pleated Jeans

No More Neck Cramps

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Via Izismile

I Hope They're All Filled With Beer

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You Have a More Important Problem to Fix Right Now

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Created by Unknown

Good Thing You Came Prepared!

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Created by anselmbe
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