

 snow shovel boss job movie theater movies employees overworked-employees workplace overtime bad bosses

'Someone is still working and is at 12 hours of overtime. It's Dan': Stingy boss tries to save money by making employees shovel the movie theater parking lot, maliciously compliant employee takes him literally

This boss has an odd incentive structure, and it is not at all favorable towards his hard-working employees. When you go to an interview at a movie theater, I imagine they ask you about your customer service qualifications or your background working in retail. They probably don't ask how much snow you can shovel… these employees had to find out the hard way that it was part of their workplace requirements. U/SparkleFritz had a boss who insisted that when it snowed, the employees should be the o…
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'Help the boss out? No thanks': Employee demanded to clock out despite having to stay at work for another hour, she accuses company of wage theft in response

'Help the boss out? No thanks': Employee demanded to clock out despite having to stay at work for another hour, she accuses company of wage theft in response

We are firm believers that hourly employees should get paid exactly the amount they are due for their work, not a minute less or more. Clocking in and out of a job is the perfect way to track the hours and make sure employees are getting paid exactly what they are owed. That means, of course, that as long as an employee is physically on the job, they should be getting paid for it, and they only clock out when they are entirely off the job premises. The fact that the workers in this Reddit story…
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'He decided to get rid of people... a month later, critical systems were failing': 25+ New managers who majorly messed up their workplaces

When there are changes in management at a workplace, the whole vibe can suddenly shift. A new manager can change a workplace without even trying, although, as these people shared, a lot of managers try their hardest to act in charge at their new place of business. While we're on the subject of hiring new people, read about the HR folks who were surprised by these odd resumes, like one person whose “ resume had a skills sectio n...only thing listed was ‘calculator.'”
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boss employee drama job work petty revenge ceo Office gen x Horrible Bosses Reddit karma - 36518661

'She's one of those super aggressive types that wants to be CEO before she is 45': Gen X employee gets revenge on overbearing boss by scheduling emails to send all throughout the night

To be fair, this boss had it coming. The concept of 'work-life balance' is becoming increasingly normalized throughout the workforce, as it should. No one wants to spend their entire lives planning around their jobs. And although that used to be the case in generations past, nowadays, employees don't stand for mistreatment; instead, they just leave. Well, this Gen X employee can't really leave the company. He's been there for years and is nearing his retirement. So, instead of up and quitting,…
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Tech support employee fakes a client's major data deletion to prove that he knows what he's talking about, save all their data but waits for them to come crawling back

Tech support employee prevents major deletion of client's data despite being asked to remove their subscription, maliciously complies by faking the deletion of data to prove a point

Trust that the employee knows how to do their job.
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boss employee fired drama job new hire work coworkers baby boomers workplace entitled Reddit karma karen front desk - 36505093

'[She] told me to watch my tone speaking to elders': New hotel employee gets longtime Karen fired after exposing her to boss for dumping work on coworkers

Moral of the story: karma always catches up with you. This man has been a night auditor for hotels for the past 19 years. When he got assigned to a new hotel, he went about his work just like he'd done for the past 19 years. But he was instantly met with Karen , a longtime employee who had been getting away for years with handing her work off to other coworkers. And she's not even in a manager-type position, so she has no authority to tell anyone what to do. But she's gotten away with it for so…
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reddit work antiwork working workplace lunch lunch-break break breaks union coworker employee employees boss bosses manager management upper ceo job business company

Hypocritical upper management punishes an employee for getting takeout food on his break even though they spotted him while seated at the same restaurant: ‘I want the EXACT violation in writing’

"Put those union dues to work"
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 malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit malicious compliance reddit cars Car vehicle Boss work workplace Jobs job bosses workplace-stories bad bosses manager managers

'He seems annoyed... I do this to him all day': Bad manager tries to make auto store worker follow unnecessary rule, worker gleefully bugs him all day long

Great managers empower their employees, while bad managers like this just try to bring them down a notch. It's a fact of life, and one that this person found out while they were still a teenager. This person worked as a technician at the automotive department of a chain store. At just 18 years old, they were relegated to some of the easier car tasks. That included things like “maintenance checks like wiper fluid and tire pressure, easy stuff,” u/MrTyroneTheCat explained. After you check out thi…
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‘Per our conversation... Your employment is terminated’: Employee receives immediate termination email in the middle of a meeting with boss, leading to a dispute on the job

‘Per our conversation... Your employment is terminated’: Employee receives immediate termination email in the middle of a meeting with boss, leading to a dispute on the job

Every unemployment period reaches its peak when an unemployed individual feels like they cannot let another day go by without them finding a job. Perhaps because of financial reasons, perhaps because they cannot stand another day at home, probably both. Either way, when one reaches that period of unemployment, they would do anything to simply find a job, and would probably accept a job no matter what. This means that they are willing to ignore a lot of red flags just so they would get to be emp…
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Manager refuses to approve employee's time off despite them providing a replacement, employee informs manager he has a choice: ‘Accept either my vacation or my resignation’

Manager refuses to approve employee's time off despite them providing a replacement, employee informs manager he has a choice: ‘Accept either my vacation or my resignation’

There are so many rules protecting the employer from employees doing whatever they want, but it is time to protest that there are not enough rules protecting employees from their employers. If an employee informs their employer of their time off, two months before it is due, there should absolutely be a rule prohibiting the employer from saying no. Employees should be allowed to use their time off whenever they want to, and if they bring it up a sufficient time in advance, employers should have…
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'She really wrote this with a straight face?!': Employee chastised by micromanager for being late by sixty seconds and forced to 'make up' every second at the end of the shift

'She really wrote this with a straight face?!': Employee chastised by micromanager for being late by sixty seconds and forced to 'make up' every second at the end of the shift

The corporate world is known for its intense rivalry. Therefore, regardless of how absurd they may seem, following business traditions is necessary if one wants to climb up the corporate ladder. The story below is an account of a confused employee. The original poster (OP) returns from his lunch break to find an email from his boss. According to the email, arriving late is considered disrespectful and will not be accepted. The email also includes time stamps to substantiate the previously state…
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pay paycheck money hiring hire new-hire money wages wage work workplace coworker recruiter employee employees boss bosses manager managers supervisor job company business

'No one wants to work for $10 an hour': Out-of-touch boss refuses to pay new hires more than $10/hr, throws a fit when nobody responds to their job listings

Truthfully, the excitement of your first paycheck wears off pretty quickly…
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'Loyalty goes both ways': Employee spends thousands of dollars of company's money as payback for getting passed over for a promotion she waited 25 years for

'Loyalty goes both ways': Employee spends thousands of dollars of company's money as payback for getting passed over for a promotion she waited 25 years for

The differences between loyalty to a workplace with older and younger generations always boggle the mind. The fact that many people over the age of 50 have happily committed to the same workplace for decades, sometimes without so much as a raise, is crazy, especially when younger people have such a short attention span they often can't commit to finishing a 2-hour long movie. My mom, for example, has just celebrated her 30th anniversary with the company she works for, and I had 3 different jobs…
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 aita medical medicine work workplace Jobs job Boss bosses workplace-stories Email big boss

'I decided to write him an email and CC his boss': Medical worker stands up for employee break times, commenters urge them to involve HR

Would you ever CC your boss's boss on an email? It's a bold move to make! This person, u/ShamyJane, was just utterly fed up with their boss's unfair behavior. By the time they wrote him and his boss an email, they must've lost all faith in his abilities to lead. It's a plead from the employee to the boss to please do something to change the working environment! It seems like the original poster only did this out of desperation… and a desire to see him get what he deserved for being so impolite…
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boss workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance bosses work coworkers malicious-compliance-reddit client project pay workplace payment malicious compliance reddit - 36398085

'Pay for 20 hours of work, get 20 hours of work': Client insists that software contractor cut their hours, refuses to listen when told that the project will be delayed

It turns out that if you tell a contract worker to work fewer hours, they'll… do exactly that. So it's surprising that this client was under the impression that she was getting more for her money after trying to bully this worker. U/rentacle couldn't wait to share her malicious compliance story of “corporate stupidity” with the world.
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 boss workplace-stories jobs electric job bosses work coworkers engineering workplace electricity engineer vacation malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit malicious compliance reddit

'In the first week alone, the local facility lost 3 jobs': Longtime electrical engineer loses vacation privileges, HR absentmindedly agrees to his drastic new schedule changes

Serious workers don't play about their vacation time . It's not like most of us just love working ourselves to the bone. To be fair, a lot of people love their jobs, and many will stay at the same company for decades. It's great to get into a rhythm of working until you start to feel those signs of burnout, and then having the luxury of taking a week or two off . Those two weeks can make a huge difference: spending time with family and friends, traveling, or even just relaxing and sleeping in c…
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