

AITA for not allowing BIL's family inside when they showed up unannounced?

'You sound like the only sane person in this entire narrative': Woman asks 'AITA?' for avoiding random late-night visit

Does your family ever show up to your house uninvited? And if so, what's the latest time they've ever shown up to your front door? This person wrote to r/AmItheA****** to ask about a tricky situation involving her husband's brother and family. Since they live two hours from each other, they don't see each other all the time. As the OP wrote on a throwaway account , the brother's family was in town for a celebration . That night the BIL, his wife, and their toddler showed up at the OP's house at…
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20 Relatable memes for night owls who always stay up way too late and regret it the next day

20 Relatable memes for night owls who always stay up way too late and regret it the next day

Why can't we all go to bed early? Simple: it's way more fun to stay up late doing fun activities , and that's just something our future selves will have to deal with.
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trying to put your kid to bed
Via bitsandpieces

Can't We Read a Different Story Tonight?

Via Izismile


Via Dump a Day

Thanks, Kids...

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They Always Find a Way Around Any Obstacle

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Via brainrockets

They DO Have Fun Without Me!

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Via Dump a Day

Isn't it Past Your Bedtime?

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Created by Unknown

Re-negotiations Will Occur Same Time Tomorrow Night

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Via metaf

I've Made a Huge Mistake...

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Parenting Fails: Sweet Dreams!

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Here's Some Music For Your Creys

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Created by Unknown

They're Just as Afraid of You as You are of Them

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You're Out of Control

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