
Bad Neighbor

hoa neighbors Legal Woes marriage neighborhood ex neighborhood-drama marriage-drama cheater Bad Neighbor home owner - 19949317

'What the HOA did was blatant fraud': Ex-wife vindictively signs dude's house up to neighborhood HOA, he sues them both

Homeowner associations are notorious for their tyrannical enforcement of bizarre policies that were drafted by a collection of the worst sort of neighbors who have nothing better to do but worry about what other people are doing. This story was initially posted by u/SpurredOneLastTime (OP) to the r/entitledpeople subreddit and then crossposted by a fascinated reader to the r/f***HOA subreddit community. The OP tells the tale of his ex-wife's final act of retribution that saw him embroiled in le…
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parking-drama karens neighbors entitled parents neighbor-stories neighborhood neighborhood-drama karens in the wild entitled Bad Neighbor karen parents entitled people - 19884805

'I live here!': Karen parks in family's driveway and tries to pretend it's her house

Look at me… I am the homeowner now. When someone is caught in a lie, it's always surprising to see how far they will take it. You might expect the liar to give it up, admit defeat—and admit to their deceit. And yet, most liars have been lying for so long that they don't know how to turn it off. They'll continue building up the fabrication—even after their lie has been substantially disproven. Reddit user u/Top-Studio8028 posted this thread to Reddit's r/entitledparents, sharing a story that he…
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karens neighbors gardening neighbor-stories neighborhood garden neighborhood-drama petty revenge gardens Bad Neighbor karen neighbor - 19846661

'Karens keep stealing from my garden': Garden grabbing karens get served when guy uproots the entire thing

Talk about a scorched earth policy. There's no greater satisfaction than sharing the spoils of a garden or fruit-bearing tree… but reaching your hands through someone else's fence in the dead of night (or when you've carefully watched to make sure they're not home) is just downright dirty—and not in an “I've just been gardening” sort of way. Given this guy has no penchant for gardening, this may not be the case here.
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karens neighbors school drama neighborhood neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories entitled Bad Neighbor karen entitled people - 19541509

'IT'S NOT A SIDEWALK': Neighborhood Karen makes wild group post about school kids walking on school property adjacent to her property

When “Get off my lawn!” evolves into “Get off the area adjacent to my lawn!” Maybe you shouldn't live next door to a school if you're this sensitive to the presence of children.
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karens aita neighbors neighborhood am-i-the-ahole entitled Bad Neighbor karen entitled people - 19465989

Karen blocks Single Mother's driveway, Single Mother calls the cops, Karen demands an apology

Wherever there are parking spaces or driveways… there are bound to be neighbors feuding over them. It's just one of those territorial behaviors that have been ingrained in us since the monkey times… Monkey get big cube of metal. Monkey need place to keep big cube of metal. Other monkey move their cube of metal. Monkey take other monkey's metal cube keeping place. Other monkey mad. This story plays out time and time again, with an irrational neighbor insisting on parking in another (slightly les…
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karens facebook-drama entitled parents drama neighborhood neighborhood-drama karens in the wild story entitled Bad Neighbor karen Valentines day - 19119621

Karen tries to get "excluding" adults only Valentine's Day neighborhood event cancelled because her kids can't come

Everyone is the hero of their own story: Where we see this neighborhood Karen as just that, she sees herself as a vigilante hero fighting for justice—a silent guardian, a watchful protector... a dark knight. Sometimes you die the hero; sometimes, you live to see yourself become the villain—sometimes still, you never were actually the hero in the first place. This Karen took offense to the fact that the neighborhood was throwing a Valentine's Day event for adults only, no kids invited. The Reddi…
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You want to make things fair? I'll show you fair.

'You want to make things fair? I'll show you fair': Neighbor demands half of bake sale earnings despite paying for none of the costs

Conflict emerged when this neighbor's kid demanded that he receive "half the money" from a bake sale when he decided he was bored and wanted to go home early. He wasn't even willing to stay the full duration and put in the work in order to earn his part of the cash. The other kid responded that this wasn't fair and that they should split the money earned for the duration that the neighbor's kid had worked. This prompted the neighbor to march over to this family's house, complaining that it wasn…
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'Stop calling me out for my morning walk wardrobe! Boxers are shorts!!!': 30+ Utterly unhinged Nextdoor neighbors

'Stop calling me out for my morning walk wardrobe! Boxers are shorts!!!': 30+ Utterly unhinged Nextdoor neighbors

How well do you know your neighbors? Maybe not as well as you might think. The Nextdoor app is a good way to get a feel for a neighborhood, at least based on the various complaints that people post there. While the app is supposed to be a way to connect to your fellow residents to sell items, advertise events, get to know the area, or address community issues, not everyone uses the app as it was intended. In fact, sometimes it seems like most people misuse this app — and that results in some si…
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UPDATE: Karen tows couple's cars from their own driveway, okays her relative's use of their driveway over Christmas period

UPDATE: Karen tows couple's cars from their own driveway, okays her relative's use of their driveway over Christmas period

An entitled neighbor and your driveway… Name a more iconic duo. I'll wait. It turns out that when you're having problems with a wildly entitled neighbor, you're probably not the only one. It's probably worth asking around the neighborhood to see if the Karen's wild actions have been unleashed upon them also. When this problematic neighbor Karen distributed notes claiming that she was going to use this Redditor's driveway over the Christmas period, the Redditor shared the exchange to Reddit's r/…
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AITA for letting my dog poop in someone else's yard?

Update! 'I'm the a**hole': Dog owner lets pet "go" in neighbor's yard, wonders if they're wrong, internet sets them straight

An excellent sign of an obliviously entitled person is someone who refuses to control their pet. Fido might be your best friend, but that doesn't mean you should be letting it roam endlessly onto other people's property or taking off the leash at an explicitly leashed park. It's not often that people actually return to take accountability for their actions on the internet. We're so set in our ways, polarized in our beliefs, and utterly convinced we're right that we tend to struggle to take othe…
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Created a point-of-interest on Google Maps to piss off wealthy Karen neighbors

Guy pettily trolls rich neighbor Karen who is mad about a new road joining her neighborhood to a 'poor' one

We're often told in life that we should always do the right thing, but what is one to do when the right thing is also wrong? Perhaps, this quandary is the best way to consider the situation at hand in this story. This guy has taken to pettily trolling his rich Karen neighbor, who is infuriated by the fact that public works have just completed a project that has added a road connecting her upscale neighborhood to a poorer one. It's pretty safe to assume that this Karen is probably just one of th…
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The saga of an entitled new neighbor who thinks she owns the entire apartment building

Update: Ultimate Karen wages pettiest war ever against confused neighbors

This neighbor is getting back at this Final Boss Karen in the best way she knows how: by posting her hilarious entitled antics to Reddit! The original OP, u/many_books_91, has been keeping the r/EntitledPeople subreddit updated with periodic stories. We've complied the entire saga below - and it's quite the long read, so grab a snack and cuddle up with a blanket! The OP has shared eight stories so far, and has recently updated once again. After you've digested these eight tales of Karen horror,…
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It is a really bad idea to make a government employee angry | Both of the police units showed up and I let them know what was going on. They were both appropriately agitated to have to waste their time and let not nice guy know that I was within in my authority to proceed with the investigation.

'He stated berating me': Jerk neighbor breaks code, gets served bureaucratic justice by disgruntled government employee

There's an old saying that's continually relevant to customer service: The squeaky wheel gets the grease; it's true, more often than not, following up consistently with a service provider (and being generally bothersome) will net you a faster result than those who wait silently. Most people choose to do this by obnoxiously demanding service but obnoxious or not, it's always important to be polite. Being polite, maybe firm, when necessary, will always net you a better result than being a bellend…
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pro revenge neighbors neighborhood mother revenge neighborhood-drama bad neighbors petty revenge Bad Neighbor - 18448133

'I definitely put a dent in [their marriage]': Single mother catfishes condescending righteous neighbors in ultimate act of retribution

Whatever belief, culture, lifestyle, or background you come from or follow, there's a unifying ideal that we should all abide by: Treat others with respect. You never know what someone else has had to endure, what they've managed to make it through, or what trials and tribulations they face or have faced. This is why that whole “not judging” thing is so prevalent and important in belief structures ("Do not judge, or you too will be judged") — who are you to think yourself worthy of passing judg…
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ask reddit karens neighbors drama neighborhood neighborhood-drama bad neighbors entitled Bad Neighbor karen entitled people neighbor - 18412037

'He showed up at my house threatening to burn it down': 20+ Insane neighbors who took neighborly disputes to another level

The existence of other people can be — well — kind of a downer. Nothing spoils the enjoyment of the pleasant dawning sun, with a hot cup of coffee in hand and pleasant birdsong in the air, like being reminded that other people exist. Barking dogs, honking cars, or yelling neighbors puncture tranquil morning thoughts and pull you right back into a bleak and bitter reality of continuance. But a barking dog, honking car, or occasional dispute is far from the worst thing one can experience when liv…
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Karen neighbour made plans for her guests to use my driveway over Christmas | I came home to find a note of Karen neighbour, hand posted into my letter box. It wasn’t in an envelope.

'She tried to tow my car out of my own driveway': Karen arranges for her guests to park in dude's driveway, tells him to park on the street

No, this is not your neighbor, Totoro — this is your neighbor, Karen, and she thinks she has a greater right than you to use YOUR driveway.
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