bad neighbor

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'Opportunity knocked to pay her back': Exasperated homeowner gets back at Karen neighbor for excessive HOA reports

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'That's gonna cost you': Spying neighbor calls police because of a few leaves, police threaten to tow his car instead

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'I acquired the rights to their leaves': Guy collects massive pile of leaves from neighbors to get back at collection company

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'I forgot to tell her': Couple eclipses nosy Karen neighbor's home with massive privacy fence

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'I tried calling him': Parking spot stealing neighbor responds rudely to courtesy call, his car gets towed

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'Another woman exposed her affair with the husband': Online neighborhood argument accidentally exposes terrible neighbor's affair

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'She's still finding reasons to complain': Neighborhood Karen faces off against Entitled Parent over community playground

'He said her land survey was wrong...but didn't show any proof': Entitled neighbor claims woman's garden of 30+ years is his

'He said her land survey was wrong...but didn't show any proof': Entitled neighbor claims woman's garden of 30+ years is his

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'I got a hold of their landlord': Dude buys trashy renting neighbor's house just to evict them after they won't stop throwing trash over the fence

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'She said it was "barely" on my property': Karen neighbor steals woman's money, claims woman is ill-mannered for asking for it back

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'$5.00 reward if returned to Tony': Dad exacts hilarious revenge on town grouch by adding his name to books and leaving them about the place

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'Oh this isn't my yard? All of this is your yard?': Neighbors insist guy's property is theirs, they end up with less land than they started with

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'[They] rev their sports car engine at 2AM': 20+ Loud and messy neighbors who are hard to live around

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'I'm still proud to this day': Suburban gardener gets back at a corner-cutting neighbor by boobytrapping their front lawn

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'[I] spent hours online signing [him] up for every free publication I could find': Community praises man who went through extreme lengths to get revenge on a passive aggressive neighbor

hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 22550789

'Now everyone absolutely hates her': Neighborhood Karen finally gets her wish and becomes HOA president, doesn't last six months