

‘You need to return your lab coat’: Employee brings manager a bag full of muddy ashes after he quit following manager's demands he return work clothes

‘You need to return your lab coat’: Employee brings manager a bag full of muddy ashes after he quit following manager's demands he return work clothes

Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get what you request… Work clothes can be super practical, or they can be an utter nuisance. One employee relayed the time his car caught fire on the way to work, with all his work clothes inside it. Luckily, he was unharmed, but his clothes… Well, that was another story. Unfortunately, all that he had left was a pile of ashes. He had already given his notice to his boss and was told to return all work clothes before leaving. As this was his…
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Twitter story of a guy's dad trying to spread ashes on a windy day | tweet by mitchfel hardest ever laughed my entire life few years ago at my grandma's ashes scattering ceremony Thread:

Dude's Sad And Hilarious Story Of Ash Spreading Gone Wrong

You sort of have to go where the wind takes you.
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dude has dad's ashes made into a brick, comment section reacts

Guy Unsure What To Do With Dad Ash Brick, Comments Section Gets Morbidly Hilarious

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ashes coke drugs facepalm failboat Probably bad News - 4372105728
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