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'I quit': Worker quits after discovering their engineering role is actually that of a glorified janitor under a micromanaging boss

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'He doesn't know how to access the project': Micromanaging boss wants remote access to worker's private computer to view the project they're working on

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'You may not be allowed to leave': Worker shares break room poster at their new job detailing restrictive break policy

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'I'm no longer interested': Candidate gets roasted online for leaving interview where interviewing manager was late due to emergency

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'I want extra pay for extra responsibilities': Employee turns down a ‘promotion’ then gets punished when he tells a stuck-up newbie manager he wants more pay for more work

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'I only held this job for the paycheck': Car wash worker written-up for not being "enthusiastic" enough after they turned down a "promotion" without a pay rise

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'I refuse to do so': Senior employee forced to record bathroom breaks

'Job wrote me up... [So] I wrote back': Employee works position he's untrained for with assurance his "best" will do, claps back when he gets written up anyways

'Job wrote me up... [So] I wrote back': Employee works position he's untrained for with assurance his "best" will do, claps back when he gets written up anyways

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'[I can] quit whenever]:' Contractor quits after boss snubs him on benefits, costs company over $2k and 25 days of lost productivity

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'Is there any way I can tell him no?': Micromanaging boss wants remote access to worker's personal computer

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'My vacation time for my sister's wedding was denied': Man questions whether or not he should quit over rejected PTO

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'[My boss] is holding a personal grudge of some sort': Teenage barista is being edged out of work hours by her nitpicking boss

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'I got fired yesterday': Employee shares their experience of being fired from their job where they were being berated and micromanaged

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'Interviewer can't handle the truth': Dude gets denied employment after being brutally honest in an interview

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'Manager wouldn’t even look at me': New hire at concrete company gets job offer unexpectedly withdrawn, HR says he was "in no position to negotiate"

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'Does she think this is my dream job?!': Interview goes horribly wrong when the interviewee forgets the position he applied for