
'I sent an email to his manager pretending to be a journalist': 40 Confessions from ordinary people

'I sent an email to his manager pretending to be a journalist': 40 Stunning confessions from ordinary people

'I'm 45 and still can't tell the time with an analog clock': 35 Captivating confessions that could only be told anonymously

'I'm 45 and still can't tell the time with an analog clock': 35 Captivating confessions that could only be told anonymously

'[I] got my entire Chain of Command fired': Bosses tell employee to check the same inventory over and over, employee anonymously reports their bosses

'[I] got my entire Chain of Command fired': Bosses demand employee check the same inventory over and over, employee anonymously reports their bosses

'I told my kids that I was the original Road Runner': 30+ Hilarious anonymous confessions

'I told my kids that I was the original Road Runner': 30+ Hilarious anonymous confessions

What's a secret you'll never tell your partner but are willing to tell strangers on Reddit?

'Our cat didn't break the towel rack. I did': 20+ Secrets so outrageous people could never tell their significant other about it

'I like to pretend I'm Batman': 30 Top Secret Confessions of the Week (March 19, 2023)

'I like to pretend I'm Batman': 30 Top Secret Confessions of the Week (March 19, 2023)

'I have gotten at least a grand worth of free food': Top 40 Secret Confessions of the Week (February 23, 2023)

'I have gotten at least a grand worth of free food': Top 40 Secret Confessions of the Week (February 23, 2023)

'I live my life like I'm being stalked by a sniper': 30+ Cringey and shocking confessions that could only be told anonymously

'I live my life like I'm being stalked by a sniper': 30+ Cringey and shocking confessions that could only be told anonymously

 40+ People who shared their wildest, most WTF confessions anonymously

40+ People who shared their wildest confessions anonymously

funny twitter image vine is dead, long live the anonymous eggs

RIP Vines, Get Comfortable Anonymous Eggs!

anonymous failbook facebook hacked isis - 8973990656

Pretty Sure This Dude Was Hacked for That

Hacktivism of The Day: Anonymous Just Released The Contact Info of KKK Members

Hacktivism of The Day: Anonymous Just Released The Contact Info of KKK Members


Social Media Fail of the Day: ISIS Creates Social Network ‘Khelafabook,’ Anonymous Reportedly Takes It Offline


There Has Never Been a Better Reason to Keep a Source Anonymous


Anon Makes a Very Good Point About God and Plants

anonymous twitter hacked kkk - 8379904256

When the Ku Klux Klan Promised "Lethal Force" Against Ferguson Protesters, Anonymous Struck Back

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