

aita marriage drama relationships parenting issues - 16503045

Unemployed Husband Steals $6000 From Roof Repair Fund and Buys Himself a New Set of Golf Clubs

That's going to go over well...
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Husband Fakes Kidnapping of Infant Son in Order to Teach Wife Lesson

Ruthless but effective means of delivering an important message.
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Dingbat Boyfriend Insists on Eating Peanuts Despite His Girlfriend's Serious Allergy, Won't Listen to Her

What a nutcase.
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Baby-Talking Husband Abandoned at Grocery Store, Exasperated Wife Has Had Enough

Sumwun is feewing a wittle gwumpy.
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Girl Breaks Babysitter's Glasses, Dad Won't Replace Them

Presenting the winner of the gold medal in mental gymnastics.
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Insane Brother Puts a Hidden Tracking App on His Fiancée's Phone, Sister Wants to Tell Her

Is it worse that her boyfriend is the one helping her brother?
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Cruel Mother Allows Boyfriend to Punish Her 16-Year-Old Son, Forces Him to Babysit Boyfriends Kids When He’s Supposed to Be at Work

You could at least pay him for watching the kids.
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Sister Reveals Brother's Four Illegitimate Children to Fiancé, Ruins Engagement

How many "accidents" can you have?
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Woman Catches Lunch Thieving Coworker Red-Handed, Puts Him on Blast in Front of Everyone

This guy got his just desserts… but not her lunch.
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Insane Parents Attempt to Force Oldest Child to Live at Home to Babysit Siblings, Manipulate Her Into Staying

There's your parents being sad you're moving out... and then there's THIS.
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boyfriend aita relationship drama boyfriends relationships dating - 16407301

Jerk Boyfriend Plays "Keep Away" With Girlfriend's $3500 Heirloom Model Ship, Breaks it, Refuses to Pay a Cent

Time for him to walk the plank.
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Creepy Neighbor Peers Through Woman's Windows, Says She Can't Walk Around Her House Topless

Maybe just keep your eyes to yourself?
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Insecure Short King Hides Girlfriend's Shoes Before Wedding, Forces Her to Wear Sandals

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Guy Sets His Dogs Loose on Criminal Neighbor Kids After They Break Into His House

Guy uses his dogs to scare underaged criminal neighbors after they won't stop breaking into his property
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Husband Demands Fifty Percent of His Wife's Business After Not Supporting Her Idea

Wife has an idea for a startup business to earn some extra income and the husband wants in when it is successful
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Scummy Scammer Neighbor Has Kids Shovel Woman's Driveway Without Asking, Demands Payment

This mom is teaching a master class in grifting.
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