
Sad disappointed terrible depressing FAIL disaster strange cars mistakes lol funny - 7849221

29 Disappointing Moments That Crammed a Wrench in Good Times

guy sits next to fat person on plane and makes him pay to sit there

Guy Asks The Internet If He's A Jerk For Making An Obese Man Pay To Sit Next To Him

people in cursed images

28 Ridiculous Times People's Panoramic Fails Looked Like Cursed Images

boss employee FAIL bold work ridiculous truck funny - 7849477

Guy Calls His Boss' Careless Bluff With An Act Of Inspiring Boldness

cops dogs FAIL public freakout cringe overreaction ridiculous - 95851009

Woman Calls Cops On Man Because His Dog Was Humping Her Dog At The Park

FAIL pets birds cringe ridiculous tifu parrot - 7846661

Guy's Talkative Pet Parrot Snitches On Him To His Enraged Mom

stupid instances of crimes

15 of the Dumbest Run-Ins People Had with the Law

FAIL cringe homeless ridiculous Video - 95850241

Extremely Disoriented Man Pushes Through The Most Brutal Wakeup Ever

Sad candy gum FAIL gross embarrassing cringe ball mean prank story awful - 7836421

Dude's Lust for Free Gum Ball Ends in Mouthful of Shame

diy fails and wins

28 DIY Fails And Wins That Will Make You Feel Better About Your Day's Struggles

tweets of things people wrote down in the night

Twitter Explores the Stupid and Nonsensical Things We've Written down in the Middle of the Night

design fails

21 Dirty, Dark and Dumb Design Fails

FAIL cringe live stream ridiculous scam video games Video stupid - 95819777

Live Streamer Accidentally Admits To Running Ponzi Scheme, Conning Millions From Investors

sports golf FAIL painful ridiculous dangerous funny Video - 95819521

Lady Shanks Golf Ball Into The Crowd, Hitting The Same Person Twice

guy's friend ruins his chances with a girl

Guy's Friend Blows His Chances With Girl On Facebook While He's Busy Playing Video Games

failure FAIL ridiculous funny stupid - 7826181

14 Gold Star Worthy Times People Failed At Doing Their One Job