Poorly Dressed


Puns are basically half-jokes that died somewhere along the way on their journey towards being funny, and that makes some people laugh.

The Tread Count On This Dress is Surprising

fashion puns running - 7960535808

Gary, You Have No Idea What Fantasy Football is, Do You?

puns - 6662969856

Need an Adorable, Punny Shirt?

poorly dressed puns cute t shirts - 8210111744
Via haasbroek

I See What You Did There

poorly dressed I see what you did there puns t shirts - 8425075456
Via Im_Mr_Fantastic

This is One DJ That's Not Afraid to Go to The Roots

hair sign fashion puns - 7836959232

Multilingual Puns are the Best

poorly dressed puns language t shirts french g rated - 8397748480
Via The Meta Picture

Where There's a Will, There's a Way

fashion puns shirt - 7997472512

C'mon Frank, Safety Isn't That Important

fashion animals puns work g rated poorly dressed - 7984437504

The Perfect Coat For the Occasion

poorly dressed South Park puns coat g rated - 8102719232
Via joecooool418

Wearing a Fedora Turns You Into THIS Guy

poorly dressed puns fedora facebook - 8121924608
Via Google

Delicious Advice

cheese poorly dressed puns t shirts - 8217093888
Via TimmyTheTaliban

She's Going to Sleep, Right Meow

fashion puns relationships - 7863431424

Some Coworkers Are Easy to Bear

costume bear coworkers puns monday thru friday work - 8170562048
Via Izismile

You've Cat to Be Kitten Me

Cats puns t shirts poorly dressed - 8082138880
Via myhusbandisthebest

Happy Now?

dogs tie poorly dressed puns - 8178633216
Via Dump a Day

Aren't You a Little Buy Curious?

tshirts puns arrested development funny - 7544540160