Poorly Dressed


A Deliciously Inspired Hairstyle

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Via theCHIVE

Party in the Front, Lamer Party in the Back

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Forgot to Take the Curlers Out

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Cash Curls Everywhere Around Me

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Via nowaygirl.com

Donald Trump Before His Hair Thinned

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Created by powerpooch

Use Hair Dye to Take the Balding-Lawnmower-Tattoo One Step Further

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Via Izismile

Could Your Hairstyle Use a Little Fine-Tuning?

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Via Daily Picks and Flicks

Best Friends Share Everything

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Via The Bored Ninja

Looking to Lighten Up Your Hairstyle?

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Via Daily Picks and Flicks

Head Over Boot Over Boot Over Head Over...

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Via No Way Girl

A Real Kodak Moment

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Created by allmotor


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Don't Do What Donnie Douche Does

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Safe in My Hairy Birdcage

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If That Were Whipped Back and Forth My First Instinct Would Be to Grab the Fire Extinguisher

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Via sc3n3failz.tumblr.com