Poorly Dressed


grandma homemade knit sweater - 4145949952
Created by Unknown

Is That a Horse's Ass, or Kim Kardasian?

Inception high heels - 6871715072


booty dude legs shorts - 4152814848

Every Girl's Crazy 'Bout a Sharp-Dressed Pup

dogs tuxedo poorly dressed chihuahua - 8198087936
Via hummus_is_yummus

Don't Wanna Be a Cowboy

costume dogs cowboy poorly dressed - 8343852032
Via theBERRY

Yeah, That's Totally Worth $500

expensive fashion paint shoes what - 6360142080
Via The Awesomer

Maybe She's a Transformer!

tshirts patterns funny bus - 7561770496

Poor Kid (Literally)

bicycle - 6773104384

Ten Gallon Turban

big Bling sword turban - 5945014016

I Should Wear This Shirt For the Entirety of My Twenties

Via Skreened

Yo Dawg, Ears

accessory cute ears Inception yo dawg - 6321411072
Via Joanne Casey

Where Did That Stain Come From?

jeans poorly dressed - 8381374208
Via Honest Slogans

Ugly AND Impossible to Walk In? Double Whammy.

fashion heels shoes ugly - 6353683712

The Dark Lord Just Got Bright

costume cross dresser makeup satan weird wtf - 4622562304

The Forehead Implant Is Streaming Bad Ideas Into Her Head

camo vest - 5196211968
Created by mischa3x4

They're On Sale!

jeans leggings pants weird wtf - 4512545536