Poorly Dressed

Close Enough, Dude

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He Called Himself Kotton Kandy

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Created by dpo1013

A Classic Tough Guy

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Via Brentb608

The Problem With Beards in the Winter

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Via triskellion88

Separate Ways, Worlds Apart

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Kids Find Ways to Entertain Themselves

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Via theCHIVE

Lighting Up Your World

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Via @yochico310

Is That a Horse's Ass, or Kim Kardasian?

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When Did Your Dog Turn Human?

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Created by trackerng

Poorly Dressed? That's Unpossible!

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Via Ryno3639

For When You Want to Show Off Your Socks

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Perwhovian Folk Band

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Not So Lil' Jon

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Cindy Lou Hip

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Created by Vanos_Ira

This Should Be Their Uniform

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A Makeup Tutorial for the Feminist Soul

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