Parenting Fails

When Naptime Strikes

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Via NikNaks Blog

Smile For the Camera!

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Via Izismile

Shut Up and Take My Money!

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Via Quirky

Going Green

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So That's Where They Pick These Things Up!

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Created by Capiche

Look Here, Boy!

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Via Pleated Jeans

Everyone Loves a Cozy Coupe

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Via bigtex44

Dad Buys His Daughter Nintendo DS Console, Only to Discover It's Loaded With Explicit Material

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This Heartbreaking Story of Santa Claus Bringing a Dying 5-Year Old Christmas Early Will Put Your Holiday Troubles in Perspective

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CHARACTER!'s Dad Should Buff Some of that Charm Out

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Nooz U Can Yooz

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Twitter comedian absolutely nails the parenting humor when it comes to his kids.

26 Times Twitter Comedian XplodingUnicorn's Parenting Humor Was on the Money

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Parent of the Day: Grinchy Dad Steals Christmas and Throws Gifts in the Fire

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