Parenting Fails

Daddy is NOT Ready For This

kids text parenting g rated - 7935503360
Created by MandaM27

Wait a Minute... I'm Supposed to Have Money?

money time - 6368999680

A Little Baby Weight

parenting birth control - 8806015488
Via 2000ish

It Begins

sibling rivalry summer siblings parenting trampoline - 8240637184
Via Scottjan1999

Boy's Best Friend

dogs kids cute parenting - 7691035648

Well, Don't Expect to Get the Baby Back

baby dawww dogs friends Parenting Fail pet portrait - 5447964160
Via Cubicle Bot

Thanks, Mom...

moms - 4959659264
Created by fruitl00py

That's Just Great, Dad

dolls parenting funny - 7786436096
Created by nicololol
Entitled parent wants public artist to make piece for kid | not gonna pay just want my kid find will be organic l just need make sure put out sometime will be there and can run down and grab Unfortunately defeats purpose project, which is providing random art unsuspecting individuals find do place clues as soon as pictures are claimed can also donate one preferred charities and send receipt, and mail two and cover cost shipping and all. If like place one those out and lead child them can! My

Entitled Parent Demands Public Artist Make Art for Them

There are a few lapses in reasoning right here.
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When the Sugar Kicks In

gifs kids parenting - 8976035328
Via mlb

Clearly Not the Hide & Seek Champion

Via ManzoorHussain

Teach Your Kids About Good Music

Music kids parenting facebook funny - 7543529472
Created by tejas57

Did You SEE That?

baby expression parenting - 8237764608
Via The Chive

Frank Reynolds On Adoption

adoption trash - 5903364096
Via Uproxx

Use the Same Approach With Both

kids drunk parenting - 8386084096
Via Dump a Day

Buggered Buggy Bumps

FAIL parenting strollers g rated - 7694627840
Created by porkercal

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