Parenting Fails
Funny memes about parenting | as parent screams "screams higher Citytv | trying have conversation with another adult and kid is behind like: OLearningWithLori Ryan Reynolds in front of an exploding car

30 Memes For Parents Who Need A Dang Break

Having kids can be incredibly rewarding, but sometimes you just need to escape, and that's okay.
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FAIL parenting Video gender reveal - 276487

Rob Kardashian Had Zero Poker Face When He Found Out the Sex of His First Child

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This Toddler Doesn't Need Your Affection

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Teen Traffic Accidents Drop off At that Age Too. Correlation?

age facepalm g rated news newspaper parenting Parenting Fail Rage Comics rage face teen pregnancy you dont say - 5554144512

It's Time to Cut You Off, Sorry

accident baby gross milk Parenting Fail spit whoops - 5654739712
Created by Unknown

Pigachu, I Choose You!

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Grandma's Gonna Make Sure You're Fed

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My Swag Payz Da Billz

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Ducks Have Problems Seeing Red

Via Fowl Language Comics

Buckets: The Boxes of Summer

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Dog Chew a Doll's Arm Off? Here's a DIY Fix!

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Via john5851

That'll Get Her to Smile

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Are We There Yet?

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Dubious Baby is Dubious

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kids pranking their parents into thinking they're buying drugs

Kids Prank Their Parents Into Thinking They're Buying Drugs

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One of Those Days

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Via Reddit

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