Parenting Fails

Put These Sounds Together and They Make...

fap g rated Parenting FAILS - 7130123520

Merrily We Pull Along, Pull Along, Pull Along!

toy toy store - 6065751040

Looking For a Speedy Stroller?

parenting stroller g rated - 8265279744
Via Southern 100 Road Races Facebook Page

To a Child, That's a Million Dollars

daughter realizes she has 23 dollars is in shock
Via makesalotofpancakes

So That's Where They Get Them

Cartoon - Exause me sir, are you the f&tner? yes Uthis isfor you (angratulabons! Dad! And other amarting jokesfor new dads!
Via Anything about nothing

Dad's Still Got It

TMI puns dad mom Cats web comics - 8554754560
Via Nyuk Comcis

At Least the Headrest Doesn't Spin Around?

car seat parenting dora the explorer - 8339942656
Via jzon0414


car Rage Comics speedometer - 6378192384

Kids' Radio Fail

kids parenting FAIL - 7340087040
Created by LZinNC

Careful, You'll Shoot Your Tooth Out

funny parenting gif little girl shoots her loose tooth out
Via Addy
dancing concert dad - 72764417

Dad's Got All The Right Moves

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The Magical Changing Appendage

bath creepy mom mother Parenting Fail rage comic whoops - 5416421376
Via Reddit

Google Scholar

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alcohol drunk parenting family birthday cake mom - 931333

Tough Love Mom Makes Epic Birthday Cake in the Form of Daughter's Drunk Vomit Photo

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Twitter comedian absolutely nails the parenting humor when it comes to his kids.

26 Times Twitter Comedian XplodingUnicorn's Parenting Humor Was on the Money

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Cherish This Moment While it Lasts

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