Parenting Fails

Cake Thief!

text message sisters - 6892394496
Created by Unknown
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Your Baby Can Make Awesome Sounds

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Noooo! I'm Not Finished Editing My Wiki Yet!

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Created by Unknown

Emperor Embryo

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Dad - 1. Rhetoric - 0.

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Who Says Grammar Isn't Fun?

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Via KanpaiWashi
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Ugh, Not Now!

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Sentiments of A Stepdad

Via Tumblr

White People Things

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Via KellBelleTN

I Liked it Better When I Was the Only One You Had to Take Care Of

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Via theCHIVE


trash - 6061621248
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urabi91's Mom Won't Be Able to Find that In Stock ANYWHERE By Now

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She's Teaching the Dog Manners!

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Via Niknaks Blog
kids grover parenting ridiculous Sesame Street Video - 65468161

Aziz Ansari Teams Up With Grover to Get Ridiculous

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Cats Truly Don't Know How to Handle Babies

Via Acid Cow

Our Kids Won't Be Able to Play With This, Sadly

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