Parenting Fails

Hopefully They're Not Naming Real Children Yet

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Via kyonschoiceass

Good Lord, I'm Old

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Well, are They Wrong?

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Oh, God...Please Don't Kiss That

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Via Reddit

This Box is a Little Overwhelming

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A Stroke of Genius

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"Unique" is Never a Word You Want to See in this Context

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Can You Get Money Just for Losing the Tooth?

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There Goes Plan A

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"Gotcher Nose" is for Wussies

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The Times They are A-Changing

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Via Daily Picks and Flicks
weird parenting punishments

25 Weird and Dumb Punishments People Received from Their Parents

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Like Father, Like Son

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Via The Chive

They're Teaming Up on You...

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You Can't Even Put a Harness on Him!

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