A collection of clueless people that didn't know who they were talking to | Lin-Manuel Miranda O @Lin_M 26s v monarch @monark24 1m Replying Lin_Manuel know Hamilton play is fiction right? Its creative interpretation history. Not REAL history O 14 2718 491

Clueless People Having Oblivious Encounters

Tony Hawk basically deals with it on the daily.
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A Twitter thread about a hilarious rice delivery fail | Shiv Ramdas @nameshiv 5h OMG my brother law gift never stops giving tired being sent get rice every day so he decided buy bulk, talked shop about wires got crossed, now there is literal TRUCK FILLED WITH RICE outside house and my sister is losing her shit Imfao 434 17 11K 42.2K Shiv Ramdas @nameshiv 5h If have never heard woman destroy man with one sentence 25 times row should meet my sister. She's terrifying rn on phone and scared and she

Twitter Thread: Brother In Law Buys Rice In Bulk, Modern Epic Ensues

This is ready to be a Netflix miniseries.
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Shark tank pitch fail TV cringe

Man's Shark Tank Pitch Ends In Legendary Fail

That deadbolt was just too strong.
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Video of over-inflated tire exploding in cage test.

Cage Test Shows Raw Power of Over-Inflated Tire

Respect the pressure.
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David Blaine funny magic trick reaction

Best Reaction To A David Blaine Magic Trick

Priceless response.
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Pizza delivery drivers describe the weirdest things they've ever encountered | BadonkaDonkies 1y "wow he's really cute as group 3 cute college aged girls opened door around same age as them so made feel fantastic as low self esteem big issue back then They only tipped remainder 20 total $19.48, and looking back on did they expect hear their comment and not tip But at time had so much more pep my step, atleast remainder day haha

Weirdest Encounters Pizza Delivery Drivers Had

Never know what's behind that door.
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Karen throws fit for parking spot, doesn't get it | r/pettyrevenge Posted by u/luridfox 19 hours ago throw fit my spot have all day TLDR lady followed my parking spot and impatiently waited, honking and yelling sat there waiting her until she gave up then gave left and somebody else got spot. This is few years back, but still delight at memory leaving grocery store and walked my car noticed car slowly driving down, almost following Now had pretty good spot, so figured they wanted my spot

Rude Karen Honks for Spot, Driver Has All Day

Even her kids weren't on her side
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A Twitter thread about a dad's disastrous crickets delivery experience | Christopher Ingraham O @_cingraham So shipment crickets lizard arrived via FedEx today my first time ordering bulk crickets off internet, and naively assumed they would be like bag or some other contraption facilitate easy transfer another container. They were not.

Twitter Thread: Dad's Crickets Delivery Erupts Into Disaster

Chaos has arrived.
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Scary diving stories | Specialist_Celery 36.2k points 13 hours ago E 8 4 6 22 More Diving day before hurricane on small south pacific island. Out nowhere black and white sea snake (venomous) wrapped itself around my arm. Apparently this happens time time before major storms- they can sense and look things are heading towards shore so they don't have put so much effort get out sea. As soon as shallows uncurled and headed up beach where hid under breadfruit tree thought going get bitten death by

Scary Things that Happened to Divers

Diving can get serious fast.
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A collection of funny gameshow contestant memes | ish Love? ISH THING Wish List | 73 6 BIN MAN ZEBRA BREAD AM FOOTBALL 17 COTTON UOOLO 11 11 Something made wool. 73 4 01 BIN MAN ZEBRA BREAD AM FOOTBALL 17 COTTON WOOL O 11 11 TOTAL 7 Sheep

Precious Game Show Contestant Memes

These people must be protected at all costs.
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A Tumblr thread about a guy that got an unsatisfactory burrito | BEANS CHEESE GUACAMOLE MEAT RKE SOUR CREAM LETTUCE CILAUTRO SALSA Dear Guy Who Just Made My Burrito: Lucky Shirt Comedy Corner Intruding Have ever been earth?

Tumblr Thread: The Greatest Burrito Rant In The World

He went off.
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Guy pranks friends with funny photo | Jesus Feel better bud. Pictures going ask this, is testicle? wanted pic, sorry should've sent just Yeah man. chat

Guy Worries Friends, Pulls Off A Switchadoodledoo

It's pretty straightforward.
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funny awkward sleeping dogs | funny sleeping positions smushed faces weird legs

Dogs Who Fell Asleep In Creative Ways

Wow, they're artists
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Tumblr thread on germans being on public transit | Welcome Germany. This is express love. And if one sitting at window and want get off at next stop begin loudly rustle with bag whatever, because way can signal other person need them get up without having speak them. None these people are joking.

Tumblr Thread: The Universal Language of Public Transportation

Communicating with people while making as little eye contact as possible.
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An incompetent manager fires the worst guy possible | r/ProRevenge Join u/Artilleryman08 14h Incompetent manager fires wrong guy After came back Kosovo with US Army got lucky once and landed really great job contracted work as liaison several parts world. Our team would basically go somewhere, figure out needed done then make happen example, my first assignment back Kosovo and several towns needed various construction projects. Thinks like bridge over creek town community center waste treatment

Incompetent Manager Fires The Wrong Guy

Manager was trying to take credit for everything.
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Guy accidentally winds up telling same lie over and over again | r/tifu u/isaacturon14• 12h Join TIFU by accidentally getting on retail chain's most wanted list M Funniest story ever. So my twin brother works at retail chain and gets very good discounts. He's allowed re with friends and family (but found out hard way he has be present At store my brother works at all employees need order get their discount is their employee ID, so he shared his with and told l'd be free use

Guy Accidentally Ends Up On Retail's Most Wanted List

Those lies will catch up to you.
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