funny bird parrot laughing like a cartoon villain

Bird Laughs Just Like A Super Villain

Genuinely impressive.
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A collection of crazy questions from various people on Quora | fired an employee but he refuses leave. He is still coming office should do? 28 000 Answer Follow Request More

Satirical, Questionable, And Weird Quora Questions

Minecraft is definitely not satanic.
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Tumblr thread about a funny suspicious mob character | urbanfantasyinspiration Follow Ilike idea cop character who looks and acts like he's Mob He acts SUPER Italian >He always has some cousin can help them out on case (either as an informant or they can fix up car or whatever) and they're all different people, but they're all named Tony >Whenever he's interrogating suspect he always does borderline mob shit like sure would be shame if something were happen Hair and fashion sense are 10/10

Tumblr Thread: The Extremely Suspicious Not-Mob Guy

Absolutely would watch.
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funny things people said waking up from anesthesia | iletthe12dogsout 6.5k points 10 hours ago 2 3 got my wisdom teeth out nurse trying wake up and said okay s time open eyes. Can open eyes said Say pleee-eease She said please very nicely, and opened my mouth as wide as could

Wild Things People Said While Waking from Anesthesia

They got loopy.
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An awful nepotism manager ends up getting outed for never actually working his shifts | r/ProRevenge Join u/sunnykl Bad Grocery Place written before about good grocery store where worked high school had couple bad customers and lot senile seniors, but well run with great manager one worked at one summer college Bad Place 1994 chain grocery store with truly awful manager who straight out business school. He also regional office director's son, so he teflon. Anything went wrong got pinned on

Awful Manager Gets Outed For Never Actually Working

Played that manager like a fiddle, indeed.
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Funny stupid facepalm moments of people being dumb | Is there any sort book subscription kids exists where order books and once read them return them and get more? 7 Comments Like Comment 's called library.

Facepalm Moments of Intense Dumbness

We aren't always so quick on the draw.
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A shopping cart theory works to determine whether a person is good or bad | 4chan thread Anonymous Shopping Cart Theory shopping cart is ultimate litmus test whether person is capable self-governing return shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one which all recognize as correct, appropriate thing do.

Shopping Cart Theory Determines State Of Person's Morals

It isn't wrong.
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A jerk company overworks and underpays female employee, and she gets last laugh | r/ProRevenge Join u/EngrChik127 3h Disrespected, overworked and underpaid female employee gets last laugh have always been hard worker thanks my parents' work ethic and raising 3 kids on shoestring budget. My dad took every bit overtime he could get, missing holidays and never using vacation or sick time so my mom could stay home with us kids and have hot meal on table every night were school aged, my mom went back

Jerk Company Overworks And Underpays Female Employee, She Gets Last Laugh

Good for her!
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A quick and relatable Tumblr thread on infuriating, entitled customers | glumshoe Some guy called park today and asked if have any outdoor snow activities coming up should soon said Weather permitting Weather permitting he asked Can clarify mean by mean provided gets cold enough said And why is necessary Because snow melts?

Quick Tumblr Thread On Infuriating, Entitled Customers

It would be cool to control nature.
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A woman shares various overheards from her medical student husband | insert Dolly emoji here BuhRooklynne KID TOY light turns read, talk into speaker turn into song! Okay, Go! HUSBAND: GYNOCOMASTIA

Wife's Overheards Of Medical Student Husband

Always something new with a medical student.
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Customers reject deposit find they have an extra payment | Posted by u/MeesterPepper 5 hours ago want cancel reservation? Okay! oc M About decade ago fresh out high school got summer job working at lakeside boat rental/bait tackle shop. My boss, Joe (not his real name) inherited shop his father and took massive amount pride keeping family business going. Still, he wasn't one give into bullshit, and clearly took personally customer complained about anything do with shop he loved so much.

Boss Plays Hardball With Customers Who Won't Pay Boat Deposit

Oh mama.
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A Tumblr story about a trainer's boyfriend cheating on her, and then real life avengers assembling | throwtime about have fun afternoon. So my trainer's bf cheated on her. She broke up with him. He's holding her stuff hostage until she agrees talk with him. Which she refuses.

Trainer's Boyfriend Cheats On Her, Real Life Avengers Assemble

A little harmless vengeance for the win.
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A Twitter thread about the brain's reaction to long term stress situations | Alexis Rockley @alexisrockley Let be clear thread Those "all over place" feelings been having? They are symptoms stress, NOT personal failures yours.

Twitter Thread: The Brain's Response To Long Term Stress

These are tumultuous times.
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A cheating ex proceeds to get left on top of the mountain | r/pettyrevenge u/sushi-_-lady 1d Join left my cheating ex on top mountain TL;DR My ex cheated on and took him top high mountain, broke up with him, and left him without ride home. He made back safely Edit: thank all awards kind strangers will be sure pay forward been on reddit while now but have never had anything noteworthy post so l'm excited about this despite being shitty time my life, also l'm on my phone so sorry if 's getting

Cheating Ex Gets Left On Top Of Mountain

Buddy definitely took a hike.
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Mom assumes that grow-your-dinosaur toys are actually a substance of some kind | mom Details Can put black calculator mailbox please Mj needs her SAT Sure, is room?

Mom Discovers Dinosaur Toys, Assumes They're Bad News

Mom certainly made some big assumptions on this one.
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Funny tweets from the Lawrence Police Department on Twitter | Lawrence Police @LawrenceKS_PD Is 20 tubes disinfectant wipes reasonable amount 600 sq ft apartment is not reasonable amount should not buy many tubes. Maybe just one or two? been 38 minutes since told wash hands and had hands all over germ infested phone reading tweets. Wash hands, wipe down phone, and return some TP store. And don't crime.

Comedy Gems From Lawrence Police Department's Twitter

Yes, remember not to crime.
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