People describe various downsides to being an adult in an AskReddit thread | soundecember Award ordering food is actually expensive and parents weren't lying

Total Downsides About Being An Adult

Adulting ain't all it's made out to be.
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Manager won't train employee on how to comp employees, so they get department of labor inquisition | r/ProRevenge u/berthejew Won't train comp employee meals and then fire over short bank? Here's Department Labor inquisition! Going keep this as short as possible, so comment details unsure started at Roadhouse bar with cities name as first title word. Everyone knew this bar. Coming ten years bartending and serving experience hiring manager as nice as can be get spot and quickly prove my

Shady Manager Won't Train Employee On How To Comp Meals

Terry was playing with fire.
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A Twitter thread about a guy's classmate teaching him lesson in selflessness | Thomas McFall @thomas_mcfall Hey guys knowl usually just post shitty jokes on my Twitter but bear with because wanted share something

Guy's Classmate Teaches Him Lesson In Selflessness

Too sweet.
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An AskReddit thread about things that grew classier over time | jasenzero1 Eating lobster. Used be so abundant fed prisoners. VillyD known as cockroach sea

Things That Grew Classier Over Time

Lobsters really climbed the ranks.
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A petty revenge about a coworker snitching on an employee for being late | r/pettyrevenge u/fixerofthings 2y Join say only called boss out concern my well being? Well being called him had follow suit few weeks ago, my coworker (CW negating some minor protocols which left some equipment down overnight. He also didn't send emails some our remote teams regarding downed equipment. So did him solid (or so thought) and sent him and only him an email telling him he did wrong very next night, he did

Coworker Snitches On Employee For Being Late, Petty Revenge Ensues

Just don't be a snitch.
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Tumblr analyzes Pixar movies Ratatouille and The Incredibles timelines | thestuffedalligator year did events Pixar's Ratatouille occur They do not give specific year, but film offers lot information if look. There are no computers, celphones, or internet, so know takes place prior PC revolution 95 is not contemporary with its release date 2007. Skinner and Linguini share bottle 61 Château Latour so is absolute earliest year film can take place Rather than go down list clues with their pros and

Tumblr Thread: Extreme Analysis of the Ratatouille Timeline

Tumblr goes hard.
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A petty revenge story about an ex taking advantage of lease, and getting reported | r/pettyrevenge Join u/dppick09 Informed Our Landlord About Non- Leased Tenants Screw Ex Over TL;DR on bottom. On mobile etc. This quite long time ago my early twenties and had just gotten out relationship separation wasn't exactly pretty one had lived together and beyond ready move out and never speak him again. There just one problem were only five months into one year lease at our duplex had 2 bedroom

Ex-Boyfriend Takes Advantage Of Lease, Gets Reported To Landlord

Seems fair enough.
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A collection of funny moments from the world of Tumblr | maxofs2d Follow ever think about mountain dew is really poetic name and if someone didn't know they'd probably guess “some herbal tea made finest leaves Alps but instead s just, radioactive gamer soda

Terrific Tumblr Gems From The World's Tumblin Minds

Gotta keep on Tumblin.
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Woman's baby name choice gets called out by her roommate for being completely ridiculous | AITA telling my roommate name she chose her baby is 'ridiculously stupid Not hole My roommate (24f) is big Game Thrones fan. She's pregnant with her first child right now. She decided name her baby Arya she asked my opinion this name said good name with good meaning (Arya means noble Sanskrit but lot people have named their kids Arya/Khaleesi/Sansa because popularity GoT and might be little too common

Mom's Baby Name Choice Gets Called Out

Don't do it.
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funny bread expert interview conan o'brien

Eccentric Bread Expert Is Casually Hilarious

A genuine living legend.
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A collection of clever comebacks that hit the spot | Awake @Spacehehehe 28 Aug will never change tolerate. Research #FlatEarth NO CURVE HERE Can agree on 91 27 60 169 ashallowseafish @ashallowsea love flat earthers, because they remind even though failure, there are always people even more disappointing than | said l pretty hesitated second. Why paused second appreciate beauty.

Clever Comebacks That Dismantled Their Recipients

It's an art form, really.
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People describe their favorite polite insults that they've heard | ReaverRogue 4d 's nice so ordinary. Reply 233

People's Favorite Polite Insults

Extra ouch.
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A choosing beggar asks for the lowest price on a Macbook, and gets trolled | Today 8:45 PM Hey man still have MacBook Pro? Yeah 's lowest take? Lowest go is $700

Choosing Beggar's Request Lands Them At Comedy Club

A joke indeed.
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driver tries to refuel Tesla only to discover they're electric

Driver Struggles to Refuel Tesla

That moment when he figures it out.
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A collection of funny moments from the world of Scottish Twitter | Lauryn @LaurynDow Does anyone else only get out eh bed multiples 0 or 5, like gets 07:21 n am like nah av missed al get up at 07:25 or am mad

Precious Gems From The World Of Scottish Twitter

All the love for Scottish Twitter.
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Gordon Ramsay critiques TikTok food recipe cooking

Gordon Ramsay Critiques Fans' Tik Tok Recipes

He's a master of the fire roasts.
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