funny times particular people and things were singled out | WORK CENTER HAS BEEN ACCIDENT FREE SINCE JOE LEFT | Abbie Cheeseman @cheesemanab Scientists have discovered on occasions, an octopus will "punch fish no reason other than "spite" Octopuses are ocean thugs punch fish

Humorous Times People and Things Were Singled Out Unfairly

Oh come on, really?
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IT dude's coworker refuses to take the printer advice she's given, fire ensues. | r/talesfromtechsupport u/TheClawsThatCatch 3y must be pri Zen and art starting fire lunchroom Long man sits at desk front man's desk is window. Through window he sees woodpecker tapping on windowsill. Tap, tap, tap sound is not entirely unpleasant and he savors its rhythm as scent fresh coffee wafts up cup on desk. He is at peace.

Coworker Disregards IT Guy's Advice, Fiery Mess Ensues

Yep, definitely must be the printer.
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Dude wants brother's family out of house after nephew accidentally starts a fire for TikTok | Posted by u/aitathrowawayfire AITA asking my brother's entire family move out because my nephew set my bathroom on fire tiktok? My (32F) brother (43M his wife (40?F and their two kids (9F and 15M) have been staying with little over two weeks now because they lost their jobs due coronavirus and were evicted. Four people is obviously large addition, but didn't want them be home

Dude's Nephew Starts A Housefire for TikTok, Wants Whole Family Out

The internet presides for judgement.
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funny and dumb design failures | half a toilet stuck in a wall | two swings that if you used both you'd bump into each other

Design Failures That Could Use Some Rethinking

Ah, a half bathroom.
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stories of memorable interactions with total strangers | ThadisJones 22 hours ago 3 3 3 3 foreign exchange student and his parents who walked past my park bench on campus and dropped his passport chased after them return and his mom started screaming at broken English like "Why have his papers? Why steal his papers while kid and his father looked like they were going die embarrassment.

Total Strangers People Will Never Forget

Some wholesome, some just memorable.
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A collection of funny and weird moments from various Tinder users. | MATCHED WITH BILLY ON 23/12/2020. Alex is boys name Billy is goats name

Funny, Irreverent, And Bizarre Tinder Gems

Dating apps are a trip.
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funny, stupid and cringeworthy construction | person standing on a ladder balanced on a crane | person sitting in an unsafe harness thing fixing a wall

Cringeworthy and Inadvisable Construction Maneuvers

Whose idea was that?
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An engineer trashes his own manager and department, so he's forced to do a presentation. | r/ProRevenge u/raptorbluez 16h Join 1 3 2 8 1 Trash own manager and department get do presentation! True story, names changed, years ago, yadda, yadda, yadda. Chad an engineer with planning and support department portion his company's infrastructure impacted virtually every other part company.

Engineer Trashes Own Manager And Team, Gets To Do Presentation

Gossipy Chad shouldn't have started all those fires.
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People describe the most ruthless rejections that they've ever endured. | Geotis 10y asked girl out. She said "yes" and gave her number alled reject hotline. Took while shake one off.

Most Ruthless Rejections People Have Endured

People can be real heartless.
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amazing trees enveloping and eating things | OFF LIMITS FIREWOOD CUTTING | tree that grew around a motorcycle

Voracious Trees That Engulfed Things

The trees are coming.
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guy in armor looks like manager for bad customer | Posted by u/KnightOfAMicroNation 13 hours ago 2, 2 4 E6 3 6 8 8 Guy armor? Must be charge. XXXL So bit backstory. Back 2018 this occurred had saved up quite bit money my job as shift lead food service industry. So did 17M do with money bought suit steel plate armor, helmet and all, something had always wanted do since knew knight had bought primarily wear at local Renaissance Festival, but took every opportunity put on could. And this wasn't

Guy Buys Suit of Armor, Ends Up Roleplaying as Manager

"This problem customer calls for a knight."
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wtf safety failures that OSHA wouldn't like | giant truck flipped on its back | person standing in a barrel hanging from a crane

Safety Failures That Would Have Osha Filling Its Pants

That doesn't go that way.
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Customer won't leave without their Wii, and then a security guard shows them otherwise. | r/TalesFromRetail Join u/Presspanda 3y not leaving here without Wii Yes are. Long r/ALL 's been over decade sinceI worked retail but reading this sub lately has brought back so many memories and thought would start share worked store selling dvds, cds, games, vinyl and bunch other entertainment related stuff. This story took place day after launch Nintendo Wii. Our store had guaranteed if had pre-ordered

Customer Won't Leave Without Wii, Security Guard Says Otherwise

Peace, my dude.
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Dude intentionally embarrasses their influencer friend by letting them post dumb meme. | AITA embarrassing my "influencer" friend by intentionally letting her post meme made her look stupid? Not hole feel kind bad, but have friend who thinks herself as highly popular mom influencer (she's her 40s and she has habit taking other people's posts, memes, etc and reposting them as her own. She even steals personal, heartfelt words other bloggers and Instagrammers about their struggles with body image,

Dude Intentionally Embarrasses "Influencer" Friend, Lets Them Post Dumb Meme

Got 'em.
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funny dumb people who misunderstood jokes | If ever crash car just press this button and 'll undo accident r This is lie button makes air circle car. Idiot liar. | Cowboy Cow That's fucking horse

People Who Aggressively Didn't Get The Joke

Extra points for blind confidence.
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A quick list of nostalgic memes to bring you back. | Kids these days will never know ultimate thumb destroyer GameofLoans DURACELL 100% DURACELL POWERCHECKTM

Nostalgic Memes From The Olden Golden Days

A little blast from the past.
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