Scammer pretends to be dude's neighbor, so dude wastes scammer's time. t

Scammer Pretends To Be Man's Neighbor, Man Wastes Scammer's Time

Gave them a righteous taste of their own medicine.
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Some petty nagging between coworkers ends up evolving into a genuine friendship.

Petty Nagging Between Coworkers Evolves Into Friendship

They were just joshing each other.
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A collection of helpful life pro tips that could come in handy.

Helpful Life Pro Tips That Could Come In Handy

Love us some life pro tips.
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funny puns, clever dad jokes and wordplay

Punintentionally Punishing Puns and Worldly Wordplay

Are puns even good?
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A wholesome Twitter thread pays homage to a grandmother's love for Dungeons & Dragons.

Twitter Thread Pays Homage To Grandmother's Love For D&D

All the feels.
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People describe the strangest things that they've witnessed in real life.

Absolute Weirdest Things People Have Seen In Real Life

Life is weird.
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Karen gets exact change and is mad about it customer service story

Karen Demands Exact Change, Upset That She Gets It

There's no pleasing some people.
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Woman refuses to donate her vacation days to a coworker, and then asks if she's in the wrong.

Woman Won't Donate Vacation Days To Coworker, Asks If She's Wrong

It's really on the company.
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A wholesome Twitter thread about a sweet old man that makes the movie theatre job a bit more bearable.

Wholesome Twitter Thread On Movie Theatre's Favorite Customer

Crack on, Eddie.
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A woman steals her sister's boyfriend, proceeds to marry him, sibling won't attend wedding, bride pitches fit.

Woman Steals Sister's Boyfriend, Marries Him, Sibling Won't Attend Wedding

As if it was going to turn out any other way.
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A collection of the dumbest things that people ever found themselves saying.

Dumbest Things That People Ever Said

We've all been there at one point.
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teen driver told they can't go anywhere without permission, so he forces parents hand

Teen Driver Forces Parents Hand On Stupid Rule, Actually Wins

Reasonability wins out.
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Stories of people's worst houseguests

The Worst Houseguests People Have Experienced

A bad houseguest is a force.
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funny memes about history

History Memes For The Historically Inclined

Become one with time itself.
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People that failed at their dream jobs describe how they made their comebacks.

AskReddit Thread: People's Comebacks After Failing At Their Dream Jobs

All hope isn't necessarily lost.
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absurd safety failures

Safety-Failures That Would Make OSHA Weep

Great work.
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