surprised military ridiculous army reaction funny Video tiktok - 2169862

Man Gets Caught Sleeping While On Duty

Woke up to a real life bad dream.
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Employee proves point to manager by letting customer stay til 5 am | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/Ratsincorduroy 23 hours ago Proved my manager s better warn customers closing time oc M used work at store open until 2AM every night week, so as can imagine 2AM rolled around always ready get out there. Around 1:45AM would walk around and let each customer know individually store closing 15 minutes, and ask them if they needed help finding anything before then did this about 4 months working

Manager Won't Make Customers Leave, Customer Stays Until 5 AM

It's a better idea to let people know it's closing time.
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Employee maliciously complies with free donut day and bully coworkers | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/grillbuster5 11 hours ago is MY day buy donuts entire office as new person Well OK oc M As new person" at my job told multiple times expected provide donuts entire office. Normally s not big deal but two people particular were rude and relentless about donuts all week. Others joined also. Apparently, these people recently extorted two boxes Krispy Kremes someone else.

New Employee is Not Having Free Donut Day

Line in the sand.
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Bride's mom isn't told about a surprise proposal and proceeds to have a total meltdown.

Bride's Mom Isn't Told About Surprise Proposal, Unleashes Rage Saga

Just a little bit narcissistic.
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A toxic coworker refuses to do her job correctly, so everyone ends up quitting en masse | r/ProRevenge Join u/ftwipftfiy 3y Have fun finding six new receptionists! This is VERY long sorry advance. This story if kind continuation one posted previously on prettyrevenge. TL;DR post, one my coworkers never did her job correctly and had end up picking up her slack. Other employees noticed decided once our boss back vacation speak her about slacking coworker. Our office had rotation eight receptionist

Toxic Coworker Won't Do Job Correctly, Everyone Quits

Marilyn was bringing all the toxic energy.
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Dude unknowingly eats the very hot sauce that he hates most in this world.

Man Loathes Sriracha, Unknowingly Eats It For Months

Well, you live and you learn.
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An attorney wrangler quits a job to avoid a toxic manager, and then their coworkers reorganize the chain of command.

Employee Quits Job To Avoid Toxic Manager, Coworkers Intervene

The manager ended up being their own worst enemy.
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impressive Music kids awesome talented drums Video - 106607105

Sweet Child O' Mine Improvised Drums Is Epic

Absolutely love it.
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humor sports announcer FAIL cringe Awkward ridiculous funny Video - 106602753

General Manager Of NHL Team Can't Be Optimistic

Better luck next time.
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cool Music awesome amazing supercut Video - 106602241

Supercut Of Legendary Sax Battle In NYC In 2013 Is Epic

Um, so this is absolutely amazing.
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Choosing beggar coworker gets pizza revenge | r/pettyrevenge Posted by u/anon98199 1 day ago Coworker complains about free pizza So told this belongs here as well. Please enjoy So one my coworkers is huge choosing beggar. Like aggressively choosy point he will bully people who are buying him free things get exactly he wants. This normally doesn't affect as have learned just tell him fuck off course he always complains and pretends like just attacked him out nowhere but 's not point this story

Dude Gets Petty Pizza Revenge on Entitled Coworker

A dish best served cold.
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A dry ice loophole ends up making a total mockery of a robotics competition.

Dry Ice Loophole Makes Total Mockery Of Robotics Competition

Pure and unadulterated genius.
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A software developer brings justice to a nasty marketing queen | r/ProRevenge Join u/ImperiousChipmunk 2y Don't fuck with run world. All names and locations changed. About 10 years ago, on Neptune working my first software development job out university made websites, promotional material, and supplied equipment conferences and trade shows. So if company wanted booth at some event would produce everything and support them duration event. This is where came across Malificent. She charge

Software Developer Brings Justice To Evil Marketing Queen

Serves her right.
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A funny Tumblr thread about how dudes can have some hilarious brain fart moments | insertawesome-url-here r/CasualConversation u/What_Is_EET S 4h just realized could let shower warm up before stepping Discussion 28 girl wkth wanted take shower together Why dont wait warm up stared back at her million thoughts running through my head feel so stupid couldn't enjoy rest night has no answer her, and always hated showers. Today stood and waited shower heat up first time, and great!

Tumblr Thread: Dudes And Their Hilarious Brain Farts

At least they learned at some point.
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An IT dude describes various adventures on the job, and the faith in humanity gradually dwindles.

IT Dude Describes Adventures On The Job, Faith In Humanity Dwindles

Oh man, to work in IT.
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worst tasting foods people ate to be polite

The Worst Things People Ate Out of Politeness

We've all had to take a few bites for the team.
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