A bookworm student has their book confiscated, and then their master plan springs into action.

Bookworm Student Has Book Confiscated, Master Plan Springs Into Action

Bookworms unite.
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strange and horrible for sale listings online

Weird and Wild Junk People Tried Selling Online

Open to all offers.
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Karen hotel guest wants a late check out, gets rejected, and then says the hotel is mean.

Karen Wants Late Check Out, Gets Rejected, Says Hotel Is Mean

This was a no-win scenario from the start.
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A humorous Tumblr thread shines light on various bilingual struggles.

Tumblr Thread: Bilingual Struggles Inspire Hilarious Fails

Brain farts imminent.
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Customer rudely demands no ice, bartender pours him drink with no cup

Rude Gentleman Demands No Ice, Gets Less Than That

Give the man what he wants and less.
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"I told you so" moments of people being right

People's Most Triumphant "I Told You So" Moments

Being right is like a drug.
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An HOA member gets a guy's car towed, so he repeatedly returns the favor.

HOA Member Gets Neighbor's Car Towed, Neighbor Returns The Favor

Serves that HOA member right.
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funny mad lads who did bold actions and funny tricks

Mad Lads Who Made The World Their Playground

Look out everyone, here come the mad lads.
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strange and stupid things kids did

Inarguable Signs that Kids are Stupid and Weird

Only some of us grow out of it.
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A Karen customer asks to speak to the manager, and doesn't realize that she's already speaking to the manager.

Customer Karen Asks To Speak To Manager, Manager Checkmates Karen

Karen's face must've been priceless.
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funny spelling failures and mistakes in English

Blunderous Failures of The English Language

English is hard.
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A collection of puzzling and troubling design fails.

Puzzling, Hilarious, And Downright Dumb Design Fails

They missed the mark and then some.
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video of guy who hangs from bridge while on moving boat, knocks over people

Dude Hangs On Bridge, Forgets He's On Moving Boat

Woops to you and everyone behind you.
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Tumblr story of neighbor steve and his life being neighbors in suburbia with an eldritch abomination

Tumblr Thread: Neighbor Steve and The Abominations

Suburban life is complicated.
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humor surprising david blaine ridiculous funny Harrison Ford magic - 106813697

Harrison Ford's Reaction To David Blaine's Magic Trick Is Hilariously Relatable

David Blaine's pretty much too good at what he does.
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An angry customer doesn't realize that it's actually April.

Angry Customer Doesn't Realize That It's April

It can happen to the best of us.
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