A choosy beggar wants 22 homework assignments done before payment.

Choosy Beggar Wants Homework Assignments Done Before Payment

Definitely fishy.
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Brother learns his lesson in the value of not antagonizing the chef. | marisatomay my brother has been criticizing all day and he told if wasn't happy could go somewhere else so wouldn't ruin everyone else's dinner so took massive bowl pasta special sauce spent last 2 hours making scratch whole family and left marisatomay really is incredibly bold mercilessly criticize person who is not only making dinner but also holding knife

Tumblr Post: Brother Learns Lesson In Not Irritating The Chef

Power move.
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Woman gets called a Karen for complaining about lousy customer service.

Woman Complains About Lousy Customer Service, Gets Called A Karen

Seems like her complaint was totally valid.
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Mistaken Karen berates customer, another customer accuses Karen of being a manager

Savvy Customer Accuses Karen of Being Manager

Ah, the reversal.
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mistaken funny stories morons lol dumb idiots stories funny stupid - 14212101

People Who Proved They Weren't The Dumb One

Sometimes there's justice.
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story about unjust detention, dad serves detention to make a point

School Administration Won't Budge, Dad Takes Detention Rap

We are sometimes forced to do ridiculous things.
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cringe relationships ridiculous live tv dating - 106830849

Man Handles Rejection With Admirable Grace

Doesn't seem like he'll have trouble in the future.
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Toxic boss makes their employee's life miserable, so the employee decides to call their bluff.

Toxic Boss Makes Employee's Life Miserable, Employee Calls Their Bluff

Horrible bosses are the bane of everyone's existence.
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funny history memes

History Memes For The Besmartened

Lest ye be unbrainly, though art half-keeled like an unhomely ox.
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A collection of fails from people that didn't do their one job correctly | Had One Job @_youhadonejob1 If video games have taugt anything, rotating these will unlock next room |  Brid Brid $1.19 THIS ITEM IS REDUCED DUE MISSPELLING Bird WORD BIRD. THANK .

Prime Fails From People Not Doing Their Jobs Correctly

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Washing machine working on water turbine power

Man Powers House With Creek And A Washing Machine

Simply awesome.
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A student fails to properly check their backup files before IT goes and wipes the computer.

Student Fails To Properly Check Backup Files Before IT Wipes Computer

A big whoops, indeed.
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A vegan learns that mayo isn't actually vegan.

Vegan Learns That Mayo Isn't Actually Vegan

Just a bit awkward there, eh.
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thread of guy wandering around creepy fake town that's probably a government training site

Thread: Dude Wanders Into Creepy Fake Town

Oh cool, a fabricated ghost town.
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groups and organizations with cult-like qualities

Things That Seem Like Cults But Aren't Quite Cults

Bow to the infinite order of essential oils.
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mom tells story about wholesome gamers celebrating kid's birthday

Wholesome Gamers Throw Birthday Party For Lonely Kid

Plus one wholesomeness.
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