friend hires friend as wedding photographer and is a jerk, gets all wedding photos deleted

Jerk Friend Hires Friend As Photographer, Gives Ultimatum, Loses

Where's the decency?
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A funny and relatable Tumblr thread about how to adult effectively.

Tumblr Thread: Hacks On Adulting Effectively

Adulting is easier said than done.
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woman steals man's dog because it's wearing a muzzle

Mistaken Stranger Tries To Liberate Dude's Muzzled Dog

Oh boy.
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A funny Tumblr thread about a dog who learns proper dinner etiquette.

Tumblr Post: Dog Picks Up On Proper Dinner Etiquette

Dogs can be quite brilliant.
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twitter thread on history of hardback books in europe

Twitter Thread: Hardback Books Exist Because of Cheese, Snails and Underwear

Oh yeah, obviously, right yes.
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Department manager hires a credit stealing friend, and a pro revenge ensues.

Department Manager Hires Credit Stealing Friend, Pro Revenge Ensues

That's how it is done.
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moments people realized they were old

Ways People Realized They Weren't Young Anymore

Next stop, Golden Corral.
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A petty revenge story about a pumpkin war between neighbors.

Neighbor Starts Selling Same Pumpkins As Mom, Petty Pumpkin War Ensues

A good old petty pumpkin war.
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A collection of times that people failed to do their jobs correctly.

People That Definitely Missed Their Mark

Oh well, there's always tomorrow.
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An HOA Karen complains about guide dog training.

Belligerent HOA Karen Complains About Guide Dog Training

Get out of here with that noise, Karen.
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An incompetent manager makes the mistake of firing the wrong employee.

Wildly Incompetent Manager Fires The Wrong Employee

Big whoops there, bud.
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funny amazon reviews

Gem Reviews From The Bowels of Amazon

Ah, helpful.
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Man's wife loses two rings, breaks third, and then melts down after she's confronted.

Man's Fiancée Loses Two Rings, Breaks Third, Freaks Out When Confronted

Next-level shady behavior.
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Karen customer chews out café manager over wi-fi being out, gets permanently barred from wi-fi access.

Karen Customer Rages Over Broken Wi-Fi, Café Manager Serves Karen Reality Check

If only Karen would've just played nice.
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A collection of times that people encountered nightmarish landlords.

16 Times Landlords Were Maniacal, Greedy, Insensitive Tyrants

Some landlords really let themselves go.
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Guy serves revenge to shady firm many years later.

Man Serves Revenge To Shady Firm Many Years Later

A job well done.
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