Weird and stupid DIY crafts and projects | soft cupboard utensils and plates stuffed in the slits in a block of foam | Upcyled Caterpillar Tailcoat sewed gloves trailing behind a long coat

Absurd and Potentially Horrible DIY Projects

Well, it's definitely unique.
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veteran accidentally autoplays adult video during interview

Veteran Suffers Horrifying Humiliation When Video Autoplays on His Phone During Appointment

Absolute nightmare fuel.
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Poorly photoshopped images from instagram and social media

Ridiculous Failures of Photoshop and Judgement That Have Uncanny Appearances

Never take what you see at face value.
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A collection of the most ridiculous temper tantrums that toddlers ever staged. | Representative_Rest2 1d 3 2 Awards wouldn't let her eat penny she found dryer

Toddlers' Most Ridiculous Temper Tantrums

No pennies for you, my dude.
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TSA forces traveller to open vacuum sealed bags

Clever Traveler Attempts to Save Space By Vacuum Sealing Clothing, Forgets About the TSA, Commenters Pull Through With Pro Travel Tips

We could start a 'volume' of travelling tips after this.
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A quick Tumblr thread addresses the world's greatest tropes. | inspectorwired Follow movie tropes will never get old thing happens two people exchanging money back fourth wall breaking give up all weapons" and one guy spends entire evening taking his weights worth out his pockets terribly loud crash* meowing/ car sirens heard offscreen alternatively terribly loud crash and one characters going "oops most casual voice "fuck well if insist" nerdgasrnz Follow #alternatively alternatively terribly

Tumblr Thread: The World's Greatest Tropes

Love us some tropes.
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funny clever stupid dad jokes | Science fact is impossible man use stud finder without first scanning himself with and stating room found one | Once became parent finally understood scene where Yoda gets so tired answering Luke's questions he just dies.

Dad Jokes That Go Father Than Ever Before

They're extra dadly.
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A quick Tumblr post about how our brains trip out in complete darkness. | georgeyofthetrumpets blackbearmagic no but seriously still get chills thinking about turning off my headlamp cave and Hand Did Not Actually See, and 's been twelve years since happened 's such an unreal experience like turn off light cave and wave hand front face and

Tumblr Thread: Sensory Deprived Brains Turn Into Hallucination Factories

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8 reddit text images delivery man has had enough | thumbnail "your wings are on the way, Y'all ever have those days where you work so hard you forget to eat, that was me that day. I got a no tip order, red flag 1, for some wings on a delivery not too far. The man is blowing up my phone being a real I can handle but this dude was a special breed. "

Underpaid And Under-appreciated Food Delivery Dude Puts Unreasonably Angry Customer In His Place

Just be kind
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funny memes about working retail jobs | ellesse @ellyellyelly_ *item won't scan* customer: guess 's free then ha ha ha my mind: GUesS iTz fr3E tH3N Ha!!hA! haAhH | Retail workers just trying survive Mariah Carey This isn't meme 's cry help "All Want Christmas is played every fifteen minutes

Retail Memes For The Customer-Weary

Retail is war.
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tumblr thread on becoming a god of ants | cerothenull S quinnred probablybadrpgideas If Cthulhu can be summoned by humans who are so far beneath why can't humans be summoned by ants answer is they should be. 20thcenturyvole Well if bunch ants formed circle my house l'd certainly notice, try figure out where they'd all come and possibly wreak destruction there. | weasowl 's why knowing and correctly pronouncing true name is so important ritual. Imagine impossible would be not go take look if

Tumblr Thread: Becoming an Ant God

Behold, my empire of sugar and dead ants.
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11 reddit text images surrounding discussion | thumbnail "/MaliciousCompliance u/rustybathtub · 21h + Join S 22 2 21 24 1 Order me to buy your kids expensive gifts for Christmas? Okay then! S So my brothers and sisters basically ordered me and my wife to buy their children(our nieces and nephews) expensive gifts for Christmas because, according to them, we were "well off". We're not really, were just financially responsible."

Entitled Parents Expect 'Well Off' Siblings In Law To Buy Their Kids Expensive Christmas Gifts

Excuse me?
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stories of the stupidest dogs people met | airroe 17 hours ago work with dogs professionally however dumbest dog ever met my friend's roommates dog college. Harvey. He absolute sweetest pup, but he so dumb he only had room one emotion at time and only had 2 emotions total: happy and sad cat hissed at him; sad. People came inside; happy. Someone yelled; sad. Someone said his name; happy. People not giving attention; sad. Remembered he had toy; happy. But dumbest thing this dog ever did knock

The Dumbest Dogs People Met

Can you blame 'em?
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25 images and gifs of warhammer40k terrain build | thumbnail three images of homemade terrain build, castle open, castle outside, castle stairwell

Insanely Awesome WarHammer40K Terrain Build, Homemade With Love

Gamers unite
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boss workplace Horrible Bosses - 15903749

Worker Instigates Mass Resignation After Boss Yells At Intern For Taking a Personal Call About Her Dying Cat

This horrible boss gets his comeuppance in the end.
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expectations vs reality FAIL funny - 15902725

Revealing Moments Where Expectation Failed to Meet the Reality of the Situation

A collection of times things weren't what they expected
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